16. I'm Sorry

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Logan's POV

"Excuse me, you what?" My eyes widened as I looked at the shorter boy in front of me. Virgil was fidgeting with the sleeves of his hoodie and he wouldn't look me in the eye.

"I know it was stupid of me, but it was so tempting! I'm sorry, Lo." He mumbled as he promptly explained himself regarding why he had decided to try confront Dee on his own. I sat down on the sofa with an exasperated sigh.

"I'm glad you backed out of that dangerous situation, Virgil, and I'm glad you told me about it. Thank you for your honesty." I said calmly, trying to stop him having an anxiety attack. One of our relationship ground rules was to communicate about anything and everything. No harmful secrets or bottled up emotions. Surprisingly, Virgil had taken it to heart and was doing his best to be more open about his thoughts and feelings.

"Are you... are you mad at me?" Virgil whispered, finally glancing up at me. When he saw my calm expression, he posture eased up slightly.

"I'm not mad, Virgil. I'm just very concerned for your wellbeing." I sighed again and leaned back in my seat, taking off my glasses momentarily to clean the lenses. "And I feel mildly betrayed that you went on this mission without consulting with me first to discuss the risks." I placed my glasses back on my nose and looked up at Virgil. "However, it's quite alright. I forgive you."

"Thank you." The emo boy smiled and hesitantly moved towards me before deciding to sit on my lap and lean against my chest. I chuckled and placed my arms around him, accepting the cuddle. He was so small he fit perfectly in my embrace and I once again marvelled at how extraordinary this boy was and how much I cared for him. I hadn't cared about anyone quite this much in a long time.

"I think I know how to make it up to you." He suddenly piped up and raised his head to look at me.

I raised an eyebrow. "Oh?"

"For making you upset." He clarified. "I'm going to take you on a date. It's Valentines Day this weekend anyway."

I smiled fondly. "Got any ideas?"

Virgil mused for a moment. "Well it's supposed to be nice weather... how about a picnic?"

"A picnic sounds pleasant, and quite interesting."

"Perfect." Virgil grinned.

"Just like you."

My boyfriend blushed in surprise and buried his face in my shoulder. I laughed in response.

"You're too easy to fluster."


"How about here?" Virgil pointed at a small empty patch of glass surrounded by trees.

"Ah, exactly what we were looking for." I smiled and set down the carrier bag I was carrying. I grabbed the picnic blanket and rolled it out onto the sunny patch.

Virgil sat down and hugged his knees, looking up at the sun with a smile as he absorbed some very much needed vitamin D. He was as pale as a sheet at the best of times and some sun rays would do him a world of good.

"This particular lighting is very flattering Virgil." I commented as I watched his cheekbones cast shadows on his skin, highlighting his handsome features and sharp jawline. "You should go outside more."

Virgil didn't reply as a blush crawled across his face. He still wasn't used to compliments from me, despite me saying them quite often. I had come to the conclusion that it's very beneficial to his self esteem and it's not as if I was ever lying.

"Cupcake?" I asked as I unpacked the food from the bag. Virgil nodded and grabbed one with black icing. We seemed to always have an endless supply of cupcakes because of Patton and his baking skills. Our cheerful neighbour always brought a batch with him when he visited; which was often.

After we finished eating some snacks and cracking a handful of jokes, the conversation died down for a moment and we just enjoyed each other's presence. Then I decided to reach into the bag and pull out a small envelope.

"For you, Virgil." I smiled and handed it to him. He blinked at my outstretched hand in surprise.

"I didn't... expect you to get me one." He said slowly and took the red envelope from my hand. I had received a card from him earlier that day and it currently stood on my bedside table back home. I watched as his eyes lit up when he started to pull out the card inside.

His eyes scanned through it, which didn't take long as the message inside was quite concise, to the point and—

"You wrote a poem!" Virgil exclaimed, his eyes glimmering as he stared at the words. He was now grinning broadly, looking at me with an awe-struck gaze.

"Indeed, I tried my hand at some verses as I felt I needed to try and repay the favour. It felt like an appropriate way of expressing my fondness for you and your work. Consider it an ode to what I love most."

"Your vocabulary is amazing! I would have never thought of some of these rhymes!"

"Thank you. I'm glad you like it."

"I love it, Lo." He wrapped his arms around me and pulled me in for a cuddle. "And I love you."

"I love you too." I smiled.

Virgil shifted in his position until he was curled up with his head on my lap. The afternoon breeze played with his hair and I took it upon myself to fix it for him, even if it was merely as an excuse to brush my fingers across his skin. He melted against me and I quickly recalled that he found it quite soothing when I ran my fingers through his hair. Therefore I continued to do so until I could tell my boyfriend was half asleep, looking peaceful and cute.

"Hey sleepyhead," I gently tapped his nose and he scrunched it in annoyance. "We should head home."

Virgil grumbled something under his breath and stretched, using me as leverage to sit up. We packed our stuff and strolled to the nearest bus stop, our hands interlinked.

Just as I expected, he fell asleep again on the bus ride home. I smiled as I looked at how relaxed and calm he looked snuggled against my shoulder and I knew he felt safe.

He felt safe with me, and that's all I could ever ask for.

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