14. Surprise

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A/N: I just want to quickly thank everyone for the overwhelming response to the update chapter! I didn't expect this many people to still be here following this book. Really put a smile on my face :)  Thank you!

POV: Logan

I fumbled with the key to the apartment, my mind running through the list of things I had to get done before going to sleep today. Sure, tomorrow was a Friday and my timetable is free on Fridays, but that didn't mean I couldn't get some more studying done tonight. It was only five o'clock and I wasn't even that tired yet.

I walked into the apartment to find the lights turned off. Was Virgil not home? The lights are normally on by this time as it gets dark pretty early this time of year.

"Virgil?" I called as I reached for the switch. "Are you home?" I switched on the light and was jump scared by Patton's voice shouting "Surprise!"

Once my eyes adjusted to the sudden brightness, I noticed the four figures standing in the living room, surrounded by balloons and banners. Patton was at the front of the group, his arms outstretched to emphasise his exclamation. Roman stood beside him, along with who I assumed was his brother, Remus. The boy looked like a dishevelled, more eccentric version of his brother. And lastly, Virgil sat on the armrest of the couch, a smile on his face as he looked at me expectantly.

"I... excuse me?" I let my bag slide down my shoulder and onto the floor by the door. I walked forward, startled and mildly confused.

"What's the date, Logan?" Virgil asked, standing up from his seat.

"November third."

"Yup. It's your birthday." Virgil grinned and walked over to me. He slowly pulled me into a hug. "Happy birthday Logan." He muttered quietly.

"Group hug!" Patton shouted, trapping me into another hug as soon as Virgil pulled away. The others laughed at his antics and wished me birthday wishes, which I politely accepted.

"I completely forgot. I guess I've been quite preoccupied with my studies." I admitted. "Thank you all for coming, and it's nice to finally meet you Remus."

Playful banter filled the room as we all settled down into seats around the coffee table. Remus did most of the talking, sharing wild stories which were straying on the verge of fiction and were questionable at best. Nevertheless, they were entertaining and I enjoyed listening to them, especially with Virgil lounging on my lap.

Having him so close still felt incredible and not entirely real. I'm pretty sure I spent most of the time just admiring his features and wondering if he really felt what I feel.

"Cake time!" Patton exclaimed after about two hours of conversation. Virgil climbed off my lap (much to my dismay) and shuffled into the kitchen, Patton hot on his heels.

"Oh, you really didn't have to." I smiled as I watched Virgil open the fridge and pull out a cake, the other boy bouncing excitedly beside him with a lighter — I wondered if that was entirely a safe choice.

Patton lit the candles on what looked to be a square blue cake. Then Virgil slowly made his way back into the living room, looking directly at me and unable to contain his smile. As he approached, I stood up from my seat and quickly adjusted my clothes. Patton started to sing Happy Birthday and I could feel my face flush as everyone joined in, suddenly overwhelmed by this immense feeling of joy. I had friends — real friends —and it felt amazing.

"Make a wish, Logan." Virgil smiled softly as he looked up at me, presenting the cake towards me. I could finally take a good look at it and my eyes widened a bit.

"It's a Tardis." I chuckled, staring in disbelief.

"Well you mentioned Doctor Who quite a few times so I assumed you'd like it." Virgil shrugged, making sure to not drop the cake in the process.

"I love it, Virgil. Thank you." I said with utmost sincerity.

"Hurry up and make a wish, damn it." Virgil grumbled, trying to hide his blush. "My arms are getting sore."

I started thinking of what else I could possibly wish for in life. I had a loving boyfriend and loving friends. I was studying at my dream university, doing a course I love. I struggled to think of anything else I wanted. For Virgil to stay, my mind suddenly said and I settled on that thought.

I smiled and kept my eyes locked with his as I leaned down and blew out the candles. Applause erupted in our small group and Virgil set down the cake on the coffee table, sighing in relief.

After the cake was cut, we brought out some drinks and continued to play some party games. These were mostly initiated by Patton or Roman, with the odd contribution from Remus, who seemed very set on playing Fuck, Marry, Kill. We indulged his enthusiasm for a short while, but quickly moved on to other games.

Virgil seemed to be enjoying himself more than usual, which made me happy to see despite the fact it was most likely the intoxication making him more relaxed. He deserved to have some fun though, so I didn't mind.

"Hey Looooogan." Virgil grinned and threw himself into my arms after a few drinks. "You look so good today, have I told you that? You look really good."

"Thank you Virgil." I smiled as I held onto him tightly, making sure he doesn't trip over his own feet.

"I love you so much, you know." He continued rambling. "You're so smart and you look after me like no one ever did before. But you're also like, really handsome? And cool? And I love you..."

Virgil continued his love struck ramble for a while, making me slightly flustered in the process. Remus smirked in our direction a few times, waggling his eyebrows suggestively. I simply shook my head at his antics, ignoring his laughter when I blushed all the same.

"I love you too Virgil." I smiled as he pressed himself closer into a hug. "I'm glad you— what are you doing?"

Before I knew what was happening, Virgil was moving his hips against mine in time with the music which I didn't notice was playing. Patton probably turned it on.

"Dance with me?" Virgil smirked mischievously as he wrapped his arms around my neck.

"I...uh, of course." I stammered, letting myself be moved to the rhythm of the slow song. I wrapped my hands around his waist and let him snuggle sleepily against my shoulder, whatever naughty ideas he had in mind quickly forgotten.

I watched as Patton pulled Roman towards him, also wanting to dance. Roman was less willing to get that close, but it was almost impossible to say no to Patton, so soon enough they were also awkwardly dancing. Remus has disappeared, most likely looking for more food or alcohol.

My gaze drifted back towards Patton and Roman, just in time to see Patton lean forward and place a kiss on Roman's lips. He froze. I froze too, causing Virgil to mumble something against me but have no energy to lift his head to protest.

Roman muttered something and quickly excused himself, locking himself in the bathroom. Patton shuffled his feet, slightly embarrassed, and walked to the kitchen to distract himself with some cupcakes.

I wanted to comfort him somehow, but I didn't know how, so I started to sway again, earning an approving sigh from the smaller boy in my arms.

The rest of the night went fairly smoothly, apart from the now awkward tension between Roman and Patton. Just after midnight, the trio finally left our apartment and headed back to their own. We waved them goodbye and promptly got ready for bed.

"Did you like your party, Logan?" Virgil mumbled as I lead him to his bed. He was sobering up a bit after I made him eat a sandwich.

"Of course I did, Virge." I smiled. "Thank you for organising it. Now go to sleep please, you look exhausted."

He smiled happily and kept mumbling under his breath as he climbed under the covers. I wished I knew how to tell him just how much this small gesture actually meant to me.

"I love you." He spoke up as I was about to leave the room.

"I love you too." I smiled and turned off the light.

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