9. The Talk

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POV: Virgil

When the ordered food arrived, my anxiety flared up again as I realised it was time to talk to Logan. I hated confrontation. I hated it so much.

We sat down at the table and Logan unpacked the bag of food. I kept my gaze downcast, chewing over the words I was going to say. It wasn't until Logan dropped a plate that I was finally forced to look up at him.

"Logan...?" I asked slowly when I saw his peculiar expression. He was staring at his empty hands where the plate had been, a slightly shocked expression on his face. He didn't react. He simply stood there frozen. "Logan, are you okay?"

Logan instantly balled his hands into fists but I had noticed how they had started to shake. I stood up from my chair and quickly walked over to him. Up close, I realised that his eyes were slightly red and puffy.

"Logan, what's wrong?" I asked, my anxiety now having another reason to eat away at me. "Have you been crying?"

Logan looked away and didn't respond. He desperately avoided eye contact and stepped away from me slightly.

"Logan, please." I didn't like seeing Logan like this. He was always so calm and composed, seeing him fall apart was like a punch to the stomach; it hurt. I moved forward after him, taking his hand into mine and squeezing it.

"Just say it." He muttered quietly through gritted teeth and I froze.

"Say... what?"

"For goodness sake! Just get it over with already!" Fresh tears started to fall down Logan's cheeks and my eyes widened.

"Logan, I don't know what you're on about!"

"You want to move out." Logan finally looked at me, pain visible behind his eyes. "That's what you wanted to talk about, right? You're leaving."

"What?!" I was so stunned, I didn't know how to react. Is that what he thought? Why would he assume that? Was it something I did? Something I said? "Oh my god, Logan..."

I gripped his hand tighter and pulled him out of the kitchen and into the common room. I sat us down on the couch and I put my arm around him.

"That's not true, Logan!" I reassured him. "I don't want to leave. This is the happiest I've been in a long time and I'm not going to throw that away. I'm so sorry I made you think that." I turned my body towards him and wrapped my other arm around him too, pulling him into a tight embrace. He was completely silent as he eventually moved to return the hug, burying his face in my shoulder. He trembled slightly as he held back more tears.

We sat like that for a while, our food definitely gone cold. He pulled away first, wiping his eyes quickly and sniffing as he adjusted his glasses.

"Apologies." He said quietly and leaned back against the couch. "I just... jumped to a conclusion. It's very unlike me and I'll try not to do it again."

"Don't apologise, you hypocrite." I took his slightly cold hand between mine. "I should be the one saying sorry for making you think I would do that to you!"

Logan kept quiet but I could tell he wanted to say something. He pressed his lips tightly together and he held my hand tighter.

"Logan..." I said quietly. "Is there something you want to say?"

"No, it's alright." He shook his head and gave me a weak but genuine smile. "I'm fine now. What did you want to talk to me about?"

It was my turn to look away awkwardly. I bit my lip as I debated how exactly to say it. "I uh... saw you talking with Dee."

"You were at the library?" Logan raised his eyebrows in surprise and concern slipped into his tone. "I thought you stayed at home."

"I did but I got bored so I followed you to the library." I shrugged. "When I got there, you two were talking and... I heard everything." Logan stiffened slightly at my words.

"Don't you dare talk to him alone." Logan immediately said, as if he could read my thoughts. "He was most certainly lying. He simply wants to get you alone so he can get to you again. However, I will not let that happen."

I sighed. "He doesn't always lie. What if he was serious? Maybe he will finally leave me alone if I just stand up for myself."

"That is an unfair demand." Logan shook his head. "Facing someone who has hurt you alone is... not the smartest or most logical solution to this issue. One on one interactions only put you at risk."

I sighed and thought over what he had said. I guess he was right— he always was— but the idea of finally being free from Dee was like heaven to me. Maybe it was worth the risk?

"Virgil, please don't try to confront Dee alone. It's too dangerous." Logan squeezed my hand and I nodded in response.

"Alright." I finally said, but I still wasn't entirely convinced.

"Let's go reheat the food." Logan stood up and cleared his throat. He wiped his eyes and readjusted his glasses to make sure he looked composed again. "...and clean up the smashed plate." He added with a sigh.

"Don't worry, I'll clean it up." I also stood up and followed him into the kitchen.

Once the smashed pieces were safely disposed of and the food was warm once again, we sat down and ate in silence. My anxiety loosened up and I was finally able to relax and enjoy the evening.

Instead of retreated into our rooms after dinner like we normally did, we decided to spend what was left of the day in the common room and watch a movie. I sat beside Logan and kept my arm around him the entire time, just to make sure he knew I wasn't going to leave anytime soon.

I hoped it was enough.

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