11. Feelings

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POV: Virgil

I had hoped Logan would be better in the morning, but he seemed to have gotten even worse. He seemed only half conscious and kept wincing at his splitting headache.

"This is why you shouldn't overwork when you're sick." I scolded him as I brought another box of tissues to him. He was laying under a blanket on the couch, since he had insisted on a change of location. He took the box and grabbed a tissue, blowing his nose for the tenth time in the last five minutes. A movie was quietly playing in the background and the curtains remained closed to prevent making his headache worse.

"How long until I can take the painkillers again?" He mumbled and squinted at the clock. His glasses lay abandoned on the coffee table.

"Three more hours." I sighed and sat down beside him, frowning slightly. "Do you need anything? Tea maybe? Something to eat?"

"No, I'm good." He muttered, rubbing his eyes and pinching the bridge of his nose. "I'll tell you if I do need something."

"Just checking." I shrugged and pulled my feet up to sit cross-legged on the couch. "I don't really know what else to do." I admitted quietly.

"Nothing. You've done so much already." Logan smiled weakly. "I think it's your turn to take a break."

"No way." I shook my head. "I'm not leaving your side. Not while you're in this state."

"That's very kind of you Virgil." He replied and yawned. The headache and coughing fits had woken him up in the middle of the night and he hadn't been able to get back to sleep since. "Is it just me or is it still cold in here? Did you turn the heating on like I asked?"

"Yeah I did." I frowned. "I think it's just your fever."

Logan sneezed and visibly gave a shiver. "Of course it is. Do we have anymore blankets?"

"You already have two. I don't think there's another one anywhere." I looked at him apologetically. I hesitated for a moment as I got an idea. "I could, uh... lie down with you instead... if you want."

"No, it's quite alright." Logan replied and I thought I could see a hint of a blush on his pale cheeks. "I wouldn't want you to get sick as well."

"I won't get too close, I promise." I quickly replied. "I just want to make sure you're warm enough." I added quietly. I didn't want to admit that I was feeling touch starved.

Logan sighed and cleared his throat to stifle a cough. "Alright, but only if you promise to not get sick."

"I promise I won't." I smiled and squeezed in beside him with my head on his chest, facing away from him. The couch wasn't very wide so half of me was practically on top of him as I wrapped my arm around his torso to hug him. "This better?"

Logan chuckled slightly. "I'm warmer already." He said and I smiled in content, instantly relaxing a bit. The warm blankets he had wrapped around him meant that I was soft and very comfortable in my position. "What time is it?" He suddenly asked.

"Just after two." I replied. "You asked that five minutes ago."

"Oh. So I did." Logan sighed. "I'm sorry, I don't know what's wrong with my brain."

"You're sleep deprived." I told him plainly. "It means you can't think straight."

"I don't think I ever think straight." He instantly responded and I snorted. Logan tensed after a moment when he realised what he had said. "I said that out loud, didn't I?"

"Yup." I laughed and moved my head to look up at him. He was blushing again. "You're definitely sleep deprived if your filter is gone." Logan wasn't one to say the first thing that comes into his head; his responses were usually very calculated. "How many hours of sleep did you even get?"

"Three... I think." Logan frowned as he tried to recall the information. "Or perhaps four. Or two. Does it even matter at this point? It was definitely not enough either way. It's no wonder I am not functioning as well as I should be, and I usually function pretty well. Oh dear, I think I'm rambling."

"Yeah." I laughed again. "This is definitely new."

Logan looked down at me, his eyes half closed from exhaustion. "Can't say I am a fan of this mental state. I feel like I'm intoxicated and that was never a pleasant experience."

"You've gotten drunk before?" I raised an eyebrow. "I thought anything unhealthy was forbidden in your book." I smirked.

Logan blushed again as he realised he had accidentally blurted out the information. "My high school was quite... eventful." He quickly explained. "It was inevitable that I ended up at a couple of parties, even if I didn't particularly want to go there."

"Yeah but you didn't have to drink, you know."

"Perhaps." Logan sighed. "But I wanted to make sure my friends would stay my friends. Not that it worked."

"They're pretty shit friends if you had to drink to make them stay." I frowned as I looked at his slightly miserable expression.

"I don't blame them." Logan looked away and wouldn't make eye contact. "I don't see why they would stay with someone like me. I'm quite boring."

"What?!" I twisted round to look at him properly. "That's not true! You're really cool and an amazing roommate. You don't deserve how they treated you. Why would you think otherwise?"

Logan finally turned his head to face me and words started to spill out of him. "I have always been the 'weird' friend. All my life I've been the outcast wherever I go. It's why I'm always so worried that you're going to get bored of me and leave. And I don't want that because you're the first person to see the real me and accept me and actually enjoy my company. It's why I've gotten so attached to you and I like you and I think I may have feelings towards you and—"

He stopped abruptly and his eyes widened with shock at his own words. We both blushed fiercely and stared at each other as moments slowly passed.

The thoughts tumbled through my head like dominos, each one spiralling into a different tangent. Logan had feelings for me! He actually liked me! How was I even supposed to respond when I had been dealing with similar feelings for months now?

"Logan... I..." The words got caught in my throat as I tried to form coherent thoughts.

"I'm sorry Virgil, I don't know why those words slipped out. I'm sorry for making you feel uncomfortable." Logan quickly started apologising, but I stopped him.

"No! It's fine, I just... I like you too." I mumbled quietly and struggled to maintain eye contact. I could hear my own heartbeat in my head as I watched his expression.

Logan fell silent again as he processed the information. Then he slowly smiled.

"Really?" He blinked in disbelief and I nodded shyly. "So... would you accept a suggestion to go on a date? Once I'm in better health, obviously."

"I'd love to." I grinned back, my heart racing with emotion and adrenaline at what was happening. It was real. Something I had only ever dreamt of was actually happening and I was having a hard time processing the fact.

"Splendid." He leaned his head back and closed his eyes with a sigh. "Well, I think I will finally attempt to take a nap now, because I am exhausted."

"Okay." I nodded and lay down beside him again. I wrapped my arm around his torso to hug him tightly with a smile. "Sleep well."

"Mhm." Logan was already half asleep.

The smile didn't leave my face for the rest of the day.

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