27. I'm pissed about this. - Sierra

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📱 NICHOLASWhat do you think?

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Perched on the bed, patiently waiting for Natalia to finish getting ready, I maximize the selfie he sent me.

Dark, fitted pants, headphones slung around his neck, clunky boots, topped with a long, dark red coat. "I am Groot," I murmur, scrambling to reply.


You approve?


Pleeeeeease tell me what your costume is.

😉 Leaving in ten!

As Natalia joins me, I blink in surprise at splotches of red peppering her top and skin. I squint at her glittery, flouncy skirt, crop top, and sash sporting the words Prom Queen. "Nat, what the hell are you supposed to be?"

She smacks her lips and slips lip gloss into her clutch. "A zombie prom queen."

"What the—"

She carelessly flicks her hand. "It doesn't matter, I just wanted to wear this skirt."


Our hands intertwined, Natalia walks ahead, screeching when she discovers Mateo wearing a stethoscope, scrub pants, no scrub top, and his white lab coat open.

College Halloween is bizarre.

I glance at my phone, noticing Nick texted an explanation about running behind when strong arms pull me in. "Hi, honey."

I wrap my arms around Brian's and squeeze him back. "Hey. I'm so happy to see you."

When I turn around, Brian interlaces his fingers through mine, holding them between us, a boyish grin spreading over his face. "Hey, cielo. Where's your man?"

"Not here yet."

"Want a drink?"

I gesture my finger over his suit-clad body, sunglasses tucked into the breast pocket. "Guapísimo."

He shrugs, drawing the dark glasses out and slipping them on. "I've looked worse."

I laugh, and he tugs them off when I answer his question. "Um, just a beer for me, please. But I'll walk with you."

He grins, motioning me forward. We maneuver through a sea of sweaty, drunk people, grasping hands to keep close. "So, I got an A- on that paper. Thanks again for your help."

✔️ | 😍 𝐇𝐎𝐋𝐃 𝐌𝐄 𝐂𝐋𝐎𝐒𝐄 (#1, Second Chance Series)Where stories live. Discover now