Chapter 7

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//Harukaze Yuuki's POV//

The next day, I went early in the school at 5 AM and Tenma and Shinsuke aren't still here because their usual time was at around 6 in the morning.

I was early because the principal messaged me this morning, saying that he wants to talk to me. 'He should have talk to me using a phone.' I frowned, heading to his office. I knocked the door three times.

"Come in."

I enter the room and saw him sitting on his chair while his assistant is standing next to him. The principal placed his hands on his desk before gesturing me to come closer. I close the door behind me as I walk towards their direction.

"Good morning, Harukaze."

"Good morning." I bluntly said.

'Bad morning to you.' I thought.

He placed a small rectangle white card in the desk, infront of me before holding his hands together. "Harukaze, I want you to place that to your clubroom." He ordered.

'Being a principal doesn't mean you have to be bossy.' I want to say that but I'm holding back myself to not tell him that. It'll be rude. I just nod my head before taking that card. I scaned it and it said:


"3-0, Raimon's lose." He said. I took my leave, heading to the clubroom as I chenched the card from my hand.

I took out my watch and saw that it was around 5:30 AM. I enter the clubroom and glad that no one was still there. I placed the card to where Shindou was sitting. I went to the second row in the right table before sitting there. I placed my arms in the table before laying my head on it. It was so early in the morning, I still feel sleepy even though I just wake up few minutes ago.

I close my eyes and nap for a bit.


"Yuuki----... No..." He paused before glaring at me with those eyes I admire. "Who are you?"

"Huh?" I keep processing what he just said to me. 'Did he already know that I'm not "her"?'

I took a deep breath before answering him. "I... I'm Harukaze Yuu---"

"That's not what I mean! Who are you?" Tsurugi said, slightly raising his voice. 'I guess it's time for me to tell him the half-truth.'

"I am the new Harukaze Yuuki. The Harukaze Yuuki you knew is not here... I'm sorry for lieying and faking you, Tsurugi."

"*sighs*... That's why you are so different than before." He muttered. He rubs his forehead before glancing at me with a calm gaze. "I'm sorry."

"It's not your fault so don't apologies."

"I'm sorry because I don't remember that much." His eyes widened. "You have an amnesia?! Since when?!"

"N-No! That's not it!... How can I explain this?... umm... I don't have an amnesia so..." I ruffles my hair. 'I don't know how to explain this to him!'

"W-What I mean is... I don't have an amnesia but I don't remember that much!" He raised a brow at me.

'I can't... I'm not good at explaining things like this...'

"So... You're the new her but you don't have some of her memories?" He questioned. I snapped my fingers. "Exactly! So I am confused since yesterday!"

He sighed in relief...?

"Hm? If you don't remember that much then how did you know my and nii-san's nickname?" He said. I took out my phone and clicked something in the gallery before showing him a picture of me and them that has an arrow then our names were writen there. And then the messages.

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