Meet Up's Part 1

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"Soarin wake up!" Rainbow said as she nudged him. "And exactly why should I wake up?" "Well because my friends are gonna come meet with me for more than a thousand moons!!" She said excitedly as she put her messy hair into a very loose ponytail the ponytail was a small screw not a soft one. "Fine fine I'll wake up but your hurt so why do we go right now it only been a few days right after the war?" "Well I don't care I love you and all but we have to go and get up Soarin" "Ok ok let's go" Rainbow put on a coat which was brown and whiteish and grayish fluff balls all around and off white ruffles on the back of her coat with screws and bolts carefully sewn into the coat. This coat was especially important to Rainbow because she got it as a present from Soarin and costed 80 bits and she treasured it also it was good for the cold as well. She pulled up a screw on her tail once again loose and put on her goggles and and put on boots that were leather her wings were a brown metal like wings that were replaced. Soarin put on a coat that Rainbow had bought him and both loved each other. All the ponies trotted around with their heads up and hooves straight and elegant the only ponies who never put there heads up was Rainbow Dash and Soarin it was because when they were at the war and the commander always told them to put there heads up but in a very uncomfortable way that hurt them very badly but got used to it but messed their neck so after the war they went to go see Time Turner and Gatchet which gatchet was a dog but Time Turner was their doctor in the war or there most trusted one so they went to her and she said that the position was a harsh one so she said never again put your heads up like that again because it could break their neck. After that they both refused to put there heads up even though Time Turner said it was ok to put their heads up like the other steampunk ponies even though many ponies liked to flirt with Soarin and Rainbow Dash. One of those ponies got jealous of the attention Rainbow got it was Rarity but Rainbow did not care she said her only stallion would be Soarin. When Rainbow got to a very fancy place called "Enchanted" she said that Soarin could go meet up with his friends as well. When Twilight finished ordering the tea that her friends and her were going to have slowly Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, Rarity, and Pinkie Pie showed up and had a bit of a conversation. Pinkie: well I'm sooo glad I can see you girls again well I mean except Rainbow Dash but not in a bad way because we talked a lot in the war... oops!" Twilight and the rest looked besides Rainbow who slapped her hoove. Rarity: You went to the war is that why your hair is straight all the time darling. Applejack: I specifically told Pinkie to join the war and that goes for you to Rainbow it's dangerous over there you know you could have been killed!" Pinkie: It's Pinkamena to you! Rainbow: Well at least I didn't die out there or else you will be crying happy tears about ME!" Fluttershy: I would be crying sad tears not happy tears not like Rarity would!" Rarity: I beg your pardon but I'm a very fancy pony and would NEVER do that not like Twilight would that did not help if this situation as ALL!!!!" Twilight: Ughh well you all are very stubborn!!!" Rainbow: I give up let's just get over this OR NEVER MEET UP AGAIN!!!!" She screamed. They all said sorry. And started having a more nicer conversation. Rainbow: I better get going I have to get Soarin and meet up with Time Turner. Pinkie: I have to go to the bakery so see ya!" Rarity: I have a question Pinkamena can you fix your straight hair?" Pinkie: Well the doctor said... no." She sighed. Applejack turned and said: well you did it for the sake of Equestria and so did Rainbow." They went off to there homes of screws and bolts... to be continued.

Soarin to the Rainbow ( Steampunk times ) (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now