Part 11 Announcements

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Dash was reading a book, Soarin was watching TV, and Prism was sleeping. Until they got a knock on the door. Soarin: I'll get it." He said then opened the door and saw a letter at the doormat. Rainbow picked up the letter or should I say levitate it with her magic. She set it down on a table and went back to reading.

1 hour later...

Soarin: Dash what did you get from the mailpony?" Dash: I just got a letter..." She carelessly said. Soarin: Well then open it!?" He said laughing at the end. Dash: Fine fine I'll open it." She opened it and noticed it was from Applejack. Dash: Hey it's from Applejack!" Soarin: Told you!" Dash: Yeah maybe sometimes your right." Soarin: So... what does it read?" On the letter it says...

Dear the Skies family,

  I would formally invite you to my wedding with Caramel and hope you all will come. The theme is royalty so even if you guys are royalty already you guys can dress up as well. Have a great time!

Love, Applejack

Dash: Wow I had to scroll down the words to just get it inside my head!" Soarin: I know but speaking of this were is Prism?" Dash: Umm what do you think? She is sleeping." She said purposely. Soarin: Well then I guess she probably should stop sleeping her schedule is going to be off." Dash: Oh yeah!" She said remembering that a foal has to sleepy 4 hours a day which means two naps a day each one 2 hours. She quickly got up and went inside the room were Prism slept. Dash: Well well look who's awake now!" She said smiling back at Prism. Prism was jumping in her crib... and she was smiling. Dash carried Prism on her back and took out the small brown screw that was on Prism's mane. She went to put down Prism on the floor to play with her toys and went back to reading her book. Soarin: So Prism was
already awake?" Dash: Yeah I guess she woke up early!? But you know.... not to early." Soarin sat closer to Dash. Dash: Hey I have a question are we going to the wedding?" Soarin. Ugh yeah of course!" Dash: I know I was just wondering if you were going as well." They both got up when they noticed it was Prism who looked a little grumpy and started making groaning sounds. Dash: Yeah she is hungry." Soarin: I'll get the bottle." He said as he carefully put down the powder and mixed it with water. He shook it then gave it of Dash for Prism to drink. Dash: Alright... Phew! Having a foal is NOT easy!" Soarin: For sure." Dash: Now about that wedding... you know I really do NOT want to wear a dress it's just so.... itchy!" Soarin: Then wear something comfortable for you and were is it anyways?" Dash: Were what?" Soarin: The wedding?" Dash: Oh it's on the corner of steampunk Ponyville." Soarin: Got it but I think Prism is just drinking air now the bottle is empty." He said as he laughed at the end. Dash: Alright then looks like she is asleep." She said then went into the room and put Prism carefully down." The the two went to bed like usual ready for a new day to come.

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