Part 9 Its time!

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Rainbow was sleeping like usual on Saturday's and Sundays but today well today was different.

Soarin: Dash somepony is calling you!" Rainbow: Ughh who could it be..." She said trotting down the stairs. She picked up the phone. Rainbow: Mmm yes?" Rarity was on the phone. Rarity: Get here quick use your wings anything your horn just use both!!!!" She screamed on the phone. Rainbow: Ahhh Rarity what are you saying!?" Rarity: Teleport Where I am right now with Prism and Soarin now!" Rainbow: But I cant Teleport- never-mind I can!" She said touching her horn. She hanged up. Soarin: So What was it-." He got cut off by Dash saying something. Rainbow: We have to Teleport to Rarity with Prism and I don't know why? But let's go." Rainbow held Prism who was babbling forever. They touched hooves and she said "Hopefully this works" She teleported to a white room. Rainbow felt weary from the spell. Rainbow: M-Maybe n-next time will be d-d-different!" She said keeping her balance. Soarin: W-Why are we were again?" He said wobbling then keeping back on his four legs. Dash immediately heard screaming and a white pony next to her with purple mane. Rainbow: Are we in a hospital?" She said shaking from the teleportation spell. Even though Dash was good at flying doesn't mean she was good with her magic. Prism was on Soarin's back sleeping peacefully. Rainbow: Soarin you go and take Prism with you in the waiting room I have to see what the hay is going on here?" She said kissing the sleeping Prism and Soarin. She looked to the other side and saw Twilight in the hospital bed. Rainbow: She is in labor Rarity you crazy you did not tell me on the phone!" Rarity: I couldn't I was rushing and packing things for Twilight!" The Doctor said for all of them to leave besides Dash and Flash Sentry. Twilight: Ahhh!!! D-Dash!" Rainbow: Just Umm what did I do? Oh! You umm push as hard as you can and think... about good things!" Twilight did that and she said Rainbow could leave and go to the waiting room with her family. She did. Rainbow sat next to Soarin holding Prism in her hooves. She slept tightly next to him dreaming of Scootaloo and she heard dash dash Rainbow dash best Sister though I wish you were my mom! She said with happiness. Rainbow woke up from the dream from hearing sliding through the doors Scootaloo holding a paper in her mouth. Soarin woke up as well. Rainbow: Hey scoots what's that?" Scootaloo: Oh I wasn't expecting you here! Well perfect timing!" She said then gave the paper to Dash as Sweetie Belle and Applebloom came in. Dash read it it said...

Dear Rainbow Dash and Soarin Skies,

I'm a pony that owns the orphanage and would like to tell you that Scootaloo with no home would have a wonderful time with you guys and if you two would adopt this small orange Pegasus for you guys to be her legal parents.

From the Orphanage.

Rainbow read it over and over again. Then signed it off yes and gave it to Scootaloo and smiled. Scootaloo: You said yes YAY!" She said jumping with glee. Rainbow: Now turn that paper in!" She said smiling. She told Soarin about this adopting thing before but it turns out they had a foal if there own and now they have Scootaloo a Pegasus eager to fly. Rainbow: Hey Soar how do you think Scoots will get along with us?" Soarin: Well to be honest she will be a little uncomfortable around me and maybe Prism for a week or so but after that week she will be very comfortable promise." He said smiling then going back to sleep. Hours went by and still no sign of a foal being born until Rainbow got tired of it and handed Prism to Soarin and stepped into the room like a commander. Rainbow: Ughh do you Doctors even know how to do this!? She said stepping in the room where Twilight was giving labor. The doctor was Mr. Chav and a few other nurses. Rainbow: Alright are you guys even doctors you have been taking like DAYS!?" Mr. Chav: Well Ms. Dash-." Rainbow: It's Mrs. Dash." She said gritting her teeth in an unmannered way. Mr. Chav: Well sorry but Mrs. Dash Twilight is struggling to give labor so will you please step out?" Rainbow ignored him and the nurses and walked toward Twilight who was stressing. Twilight Ughh Ahhhh!!!" Rainbow: Just think about your best moments and the moments your going to have with that foal!" She said pushing Twilight to do so. And hour later the foal was born. Rainbow this time stepped out to give Flash and Twilight a moment. When she came back to the seat she was with Soarin and Prism sleeping comfortably. Soarin: What were you doing in there?" Rainbow: Oh helping Twilight." She said as she looked around to see the CMC's back (Cutie Mark Crusader). Scootaloo: Hey Rainbow you have to pick me up from the orphanage and help me pack my things to come with you two!" She said jumping excitedly. When the doctor sent all the people who were waiting for Twilight they saw Velvet, Velvet Sentry. A new family member! Twilight looked tired and a small tired smile was on her face with the little foal bundled up in a blanket and huddled next to her mother in her arms. Rainbow smiled at them two then Pinkie so sudden took a picture with her camera. Applejack: Pinkie Pie!" Fluttershy: Such manners!" She said with makeup on her face and her hair was styled differently she was a different pony. Ever since the war ended Fluttershy had acted much differently then when Rainbow saw her. But anyways Velvet Sparkle Sentry was the name another one accepted. Both were very happy!

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