Suprise! Part 2

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The mane 6 already knew that Twilight was dating Flash Sentry and Rainbow and Soarin were married but what they didn't know was something very big  as well. The cyan blue alicorn flew down and told Soarin that she was pregnant and Soarin was excited about that but hesitant at first and she was 3 months at could now officially tell her friends. Twilight had a secret as well. Rainbow: I'll be fine Soarin I promise you get stressed to much?!" Soarin: I don't" Rainbow: yeah yeah sure ok well see ya!" She went to  Twilights place with the same coat and everything. When she made it to Twilights house it was described as a purple like metal house with pink screws and tools mixed in everywhere. Rainbow nocked on the door. Flash opened it "Oh hi Rainbow Dash come in" Rainbow: Am I late!?" She said to Twilight who looked a little worried as well.  Rainbow: Are you okay?" Twilight: Oh y.. ye... yeah! I'm fine!" Twilight: You should take off your coat right now it's cold outside but not in here?" Rainbow: oh well this is a pretty comfortable coat so um I'm just gonna keep it on." Twilight: Well ok." Twilight went to go open the door multiple times for Applejack, Fluttershy, Rarity, and Pinkie Pie. They all sat down with there coats off except Rainbow who was tapping her hoove constantly. Rainbow: Ok I give up I have to tell you girls." Rarity: What is it darling something wrong?" With a concerned face. Rainbow: No no nothing wrong it's just that..." They all stared. Rainbow: " I'm I'm ok I'm pregnant" They all stared with amazement. Pinkamena: Oh my gosh I'm speechless and excited yeeee mmmmmh!" Applejack had covered Pinkamena's mouth from speaking over again. Applejack: I'm very excited for this and is that why you refused to not take your coat off. Rainbow: Well kinda sorta?" Rarity: Oh I am going to burst right now darling!" Fluttershy: Oh you must be sooo happy Rainbow!" In a calmed voice. Twilight: I have something to tell to..." Rarity: Another one your not even married no offense!?" Twilight: That's the thing I'm getting married!" Mane 5: WHAT!!!!???" Pinkamena: Double the happiness woohoo!!!!" Applejack: What theme?" Twilight: I don't actually know yet I have no idea maybe you guys will be able to help?" Mane 5: Yeah sure! Twilight: Thanks guys!" Mane 5: Your welcome" They all set off once again into their homes to sleep peacefully. Rainbow had flew home as fast as her wings could take her which was pretty fast no really fast. She got home and opened the door. Rainbow: I'm glad I'm home phew it's cold Soarin really cold! Soarin: Well we've better go to bed." He put a blanket over both of them. Rainbow put her hooves closely to Soarin she felt safe when close to him. The morning had Rosen once again from Celestia's beautiful sun and the Alicorn soon pushed herself off the bed she noticed and that she already knew she was throwing up, wanting to eat for some reason vegetables, and going to the bathroom a lot. And cramps and pain in her body. But soon got used to it she was now 6 months on her way. Twilights wedding was a great deal of celebration. Twilight had many ponies come about 600 ponies which was A LOT the theme was "Metal" which was brown like and silver like plates cups and decorations were actually wires and bolts as well as screws. The mane 5 thought the food was delicious and Twilight thought so to. Rainbow would often sleep most of the time though. Rainbow: I'm fine Soarin I'm just in a little pain right now that's all!!!" Soarin: Well I'm just scared for when the mood swings come it's my first time seeing this and I've literally never seen you cry even when your wing was BROKEN off?!" Rainbow got up and kissed Soarin and said "I'm fine" Soarin: Ok ok I'm only going to give this one out" Rainbow: Ha knew it!" She said in a confident way. Rainbow put her coat on and tied her hair up and left the house trotted in the Snowy place of Cloudsdale  and soon went down to the village of Steampunk Ponyville. Still snowy she went to go get a few groceries and then went to Twilights house. Rainbow nocked on the door. Twilight: Oh come in it's freezing outside!" Rainbow: Thanks so hows it going?" Twilight: Good yes very good!" The two had a nice conversation of their delight with their cups of tea by their hooves.

Soarin to the Rainbow ( Steampunk times ) (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now