The UA Exam

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My pulse was racing, my palms were sweaty, especially with the thick worker's gloves I wore. How was I supposed to walk into the best school in the country and expect to be able to pass the hardest test they could offer? There was no way my quirk would be helpful. My electrical currents could only interfere with the technology around me, not be used to fight anyone. 

Candidates who would all be competing against me to be a student in the hero course glanced suspiciously at each other, probably analyzing their competition. Another potential student walked by me, focusing only on their phone which short circuited when they were in the range of my quirk. I winced at the glare that he had directed towards his malfunctioning phone. My sweat was masking me, enveloping me in a layer of stench that I would never be able to wash out of my shirt. Great. And it was my favorite shirt; a crimson mid-sleeve crop-top that allowed me to breathe easily. 

Maybe I should leave. I've never been good with crowds, and the stress is definitely not good for my hair. I could imagine how limp it would be if I actually went through with the test, shivering with the though of a worsening condition. 

My gloved hand reached up towards the ends of my hair, examining it while twirling it in my fingers. No split ends, no signs of tearing, looks healthy enough... but maybe it could be fuller...?

"Yo!" I glanced up to see a boy with shark teeth and black hair that was long for most men. He's pretty cute... "Are you ready for the entrance exam? It's going to be manly!" 

"I don't know about 'manly', but I definitely have more nerves than excitement." I sighed, lowering my hand from my hair. 

"You'll do great, uh... I'm sorry, what's your name?" He nervously laughed. Even cuter than before. I really hate attractive people. 

"I'm Kimiko. Kimiko Furiyuki. And you are?"

"Eijirou Kirishima! You can call me Kiri," he said with an enthusiastic smile. He needs to stop that. I need to focus on the test. 

"Okay, Kiri. Could-" 

"Everyone! Time to get inside for the test!" A voice yelled over the loudspeakers. 

"Good luck!" Kirishima waved, running into the test center and then a pink girl with horns who he greeted even more enthusiastically than me. 

I slowly walked into the auditorium and found a seat that was isolated from the majority of candidates. Focus. Focus, focus, focus. I tried to get into the right mindset for the test. As we were being briefed on the rules, I was mainly hyping myself up, ignoring the instructrion. From what I overheard through my bad habit, we were fighting giant robots worth different amounts of points. I guess I have more of an advantage than I thought. I could actually pass this test. I smiled to myself, smug and confident now. 

~ Time Skip ~

"Aren't we going to orientation?" Some kid in class 1-A asked.

"If you want to be a hero, you don't have time to go to things like orientation. UA is less cconventional than other schools. So instead of orientation, we're going to see where your skill level is at. You're all familiar with the standard tests in school. You've never been able to use your quirk before, but now at UA you do." 

That caught my attention. I was planning on just winging whatever test we were given, but standarized tests with our quirks? That was worth noting. 

Mr. Aizawa showed us the scores from the entrance exams which were supposed to remain confidential. I scanned it for my name, starting from the bottom and stopping at the top spot. I beat every student here?

I felt eyes on me, and I resisted the urge to meet them. There was no doubt I would be watched by other students from now on. They would assume I'm the one to beat.

Even so, I was shocked when there was yelling from a blonde boy; yelling that wasn't directed at me topping his scores for the exam. 

"DEKUUUU! How'd you get into UA? You quirkless little-" 

"Enough." Aizawa glared at them. "This is a school, however unconventional. The next person to do something out of line might be faced with expulsion." 

The blonde boy made a clicking sound with his tongue before turning away from the class. The green haired boy he called "Deku" was shaking. They must know each other from somewhere. Their old school, maybe?

After that display, I had a hard time focusing my energies in competing. Even when Aizawa said the person who placed last would definitely be expelled. Maybe this isn't the class for me. Every other student had a serious expression on their face, determined, and then there was me: nonchalant, aloof, uncaring, and indifferent. 

I went through with the skills assessment, but at one point I had to take my gloves off and the technology all around me stopped. Not just in a few feet radius, but the timer for the speed run, the measurement device for the ball throw, everything that was meant to measure our abilities. Aizawa angrily used his quirk to stop mine. I'm sure I'll be the one to be expelled... 

~ Time Skip ~

"Principal Nezu?" I sat in his office, staring into his odd mouse-like face. Is that his quirk? Being a mouse-man-thing?? 

"I don't understand why you'd want to transfer out of the hero course. It's a very prestigious class. The best in the country, in fact. So, could you explain to me why you would want to leave UA?"

I shook my head. "I love UA, but it's the hero's course difficulty. My quirk was only useful in the entrance exam, not as a full-time hero. Since that's the case, and I passed every other exam into the school with top marks, could I try the general studies class? Maybe the support class? I think I might make a decent support hero on an infiltration mission, but just being part of the hero's work process would be a dream. Can I stay at UA?" 

"I don't see why not! Let's see... The support class seems to be best for your goal, so should we start there?" Principal Nezu stood up on the table, even shorter than I had assumed. Is he like 2 feet tall? How in the world is that possible? 

"The wha- Oh! Yes, the support class. I'd love to try it. Could I start now?" 

"Of course!" 

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