After USJ

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So many students were hurt... The green haired kid had broken his arms and a leg, many other students had less severe injuries, and even Aizawa was in a full body cast. Apparently the League showed no mercy to students... and I told them where the heros in training would be... I led them to the training site because Kaminari slipped up when talking to me.  

Even more  shocking, they actually had me present for the whole invasion and attack. All Might only showed up near the end, but I never imagined I would see the people I knew be beaten up by strangers who were hired for infiltration. I never imagined I would be allowed to use my quirk at full power for shutting down their communications with the school. None of the other heroes were supposed to come, yet somehow the USJ was filled with professionals and we were forced to retreat. I was taken back to a different headquarters with them to witness Shigaraki intensely scratching his neck, leaving red streaks and raw skin behind. 

"How did the pros find out? Why was All Might late to his own class? How did we fail?" He was glaring at Kurogiri and me. I knew I wasn't trusted, but it still wasn't great to be cowering from the blue haired leader. Kurogiri stood his ground as purple waves of whatever he is emitted from his body, his silver neck brace still the only physical part of him. "Well? Is anyone going to answer me?" 

"All Might is the number one hero,"  Kurogiri slowly said. "It makes sense that he would have thought ahead. As for why he was late, I don't have as much of an idea, but did you see him fighting the Nomu? He was struggling. He isn't in his top shape, and he barely defeated it. Yes, we lost our most powerful Nomu, but there are others we still have. Today is just a stepping stone. They have more recovery than we do." 

"Dismiss the hired help. We have more to talk about," he pointed a weak finger at me. "And you're staying here until we figure out how you can be more useful to us. Even if it takes all night, you're not allowed to step out of here for-" 

"Shigaraki, wouldn't it be suspicious if she missed school right after our attack? She should be well rested and at school at the very least, and even more important, she needs to continue her usual behaviour and routine. If they suspect her-"

He interrupted Kurogiri. "Fine. But if they suspect her, she's dead. We're not risking a leak leading all of the pro heroes to us. We aren't ready for that. Our goal is only to defeat All Might." He went back to scratching his neck, the many hands on him shaking with his twitchy arm. 

They were willing to kill me. Bile rised up my throat and to my mouth. My face paled as all blood drained from me. They're using me, but I'm not even a part of their organization. I'm not a real member of the League. Disposable. 

It took until the many injured people we didn't know were kicked out through a different warp gate to finally shake of my funk. I should have known that from the beginning, so when did I somehow think I was valuable to them? Why do I care that they would discard me as easily as they would anyone else who wasn't in their elite little gang of villains?

Shigaraki placed on finger on my forehead, so I glanced up with wide eyes and elevated brows. He dragged his finger down my face and cheek, lifting up my chin with it when I dared to flinch away. "You might want to answer before all of my fingers are in contact with you. What is your goal here?" 

I gulped before telling him what I thought he'd want to hear. "We're trying to eliminate All Might in order to-" 

"Wrong." Another finger lifted my chin, pulling me slightly closer to him. I was trembling, but I refused to flinch even if I might die. "Why are you here? What is your specific reason, and what is your job here?" 

"I-You recruited me. Should I want to be somewhere else? You wanted someone for an inside job, so why are you questioning me?"  My voice was calm despite my rapid breathing and my trembling fingers. 

Still, another one of his fingers joined the warm spot under my chin. It was strangely comforting to have some sort of contact, but the thought of his quirk quickly killing me ruined that feeling almost immediately. "Wrong." His voice was raspy and tired, I could almost see his red eyes with bags under them. "You must have some sort of reason for betraying them, and until I hear a believable answer, you'll be here and it won't be pleasant." 

"Like you giving a handjob?" I choked out before I could stop myself. Kurogiri snorted from behind the bar that I only now noticed, and I felt accomplished. Even if Shigaraki wasn't on my side, Kurogiri at least cared about my participation for the League's success. 

The victory was short as all five fingers grazed my neck; the skin was flaky gray as it drifted away from me. I dropped to my knees clutching at the decayed throat Shigaraki touched. My breathing was dry heaving, no pure oxygen was entering my system, and I could sense light-headedness in the near future. He really could have killed me at any moment. But... what about his answers?

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