He Has A Heart?

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My eyes fluttered open to see the familiar underground bar we had as a base. My memories were fuzzy, and I couldn't remember how I fell asleep here with a blanket on top of me. 

"Took you long enough," Shigaraki scoffed from somewhere outside my range of vision. "You've been using our couch for the past hour."

"Y-" Coughs from deep in my throat interrupted my hazy thoughts and my sentence. As sore as my body was, the raw feeling from my worsening coughs was more painful. Even after the random fit of sick noises, no other sound would leave my mouth.

I carefully lifted my hands to my neck, but another hand partially covered the bare skin of my fingers before turning over my hand to touch our palms together. "If those UA kids did this to you, they're as good as dead." 

"You-" Cotton stuffing was filling my head, clouding my judgement, but I chugged through my brain's angravated slow thinking to form a sentence. "You'd kill them?"

His dark eyes narrowed at me, questioning my words. "Didn't you listen to what I said earlier? Before you fell asleep, I said you were mine, and I meant it." 

The elation and shock coursing through me must have been really obvious because he chuckled. I closed my jaw that I didn't realize was open, and suppressed my increasingly red face. Why did his not-romantic confession trip me up? I knew there was something about him that made me want to be closer, but it wasn't this. Was it? Wasn't I in a relationship with Kaminari? Or is that the fake emotional fluff I couldn't distinguish? My head couldn't tell the difference, and it felt like my skull was being ripped in two. 

"I-I... I'm yours?" The whisper escaped my lips. Somehow that thought excited me more than being with anyone at UA. As electrifying or kind anyone there would be, they would be utterly predictable, and doomed to fail. But Shigaraki...


Back from behind the bar, Kurogiri cleared his throat, pointedly staring at us. "This might be touching for you, but this is still where we make our plan to take down heroes, so just don't make out or have sex on the couch." 


"Ha-" My laugh cut Shigaraki's anger short. What started as a small snort I couldn't keep in, turned into a much larger laugh. The sides of my ribs were aching, but that didn't stop warmth from spreading in my body. 

He raised an eyebrow at me, his fidgety hands scratching his neck. "Kimiko..." 

"Shigaraki..." I mocked the agitated tone he used with me. 

Kurogiri's purple form shifted, twisting in on itself and expanding in ways I haven't seen before. I narrowed my eyes trying to understand what he was doing, but nothing came to my mind. However, he made no noise, and made no effort to adress the look I was giving him. It wasn't until he let out his own laugh that I could see the human form behind the smoke around him. 

"Can we have a moment, Giri?" He lifted a hand, so I added, "Alone."

The second he warped away to wherever he goes, I placed a hand on Shigaraki's shoulder. He just shook his pale blue hair out of his face. "What was that for?"

"Can I see you without your mask? Will you tell me your first name? I just... you said I'm yours, but I know nothing about you... except your violence and abusiveness towards me. And that... that's not okay. If I'm yours... it has to be healthy, and personal... and..." My head dropped, my eyes closed to stop any tears exiting with my rant. 


"What? I lifted my eyes to scrutinize him, but instead I let out a gasp. "What happened to you?"

There were deep bags under his red eyes, and scratch marks scarring his neck. It must have been a worse habit than I thought because there was even decaying skin around the surface of his skin. He looked wary, and tired, and so... vulnerable. 

"My name is Tomura. And I... I look like this because I... I really don't let people see me like this... it isn't something I'm proud of..." 

My body moved before I processed my actions, wrapping my arms around him in a hug. "You're perfect, Tomura."

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