After A Break

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Yeah, so, I don't want to be here. One moment I was softly asleep after a week of staying at home, the next I was at the League's base, bandaged up. My limbs still ached from the fall I took, but that wasn't the most pressing issue. Shigaraki was standing over me with a glare, and behind him was a teenage schoolgirl, a severely scarred boy, a guy with a lizard quirk, and I couldn't see past that. There were more bodies, but my vision was too fuzzy to see past the black and dimmed lights in the basement of a bar. 

"Tomura~" the schoolgirl purred, grabbing onto his arm only to be pushed away with an annoyed look. "Who is she? Can I have her blood~"

The words seemed to bounce around in my head, just out of reach from my tired brain being able to decipher. Did I hear her correctly? She wants my blood? What good would that do? She must be talking in some sort of code that I happened to miss when I was gone from the League to recover by myself. 

"Toga," Scar-Face spoke up. My eyes focused on his features, the blurred silver dotted his face faintly reminding me of injuries that require staples or stitches to keep them together. Was that what was on his face? Were his purple-ish scars that severe? "Stain wouldn't attack someone who hasn't broken his ideals." 

The schoolgirl, Toga, blushed a red that covered her face. A smile soon joined to create a creepy expression. Sparkling fangs, messy twin buns, obsession with blood, blushing at the word 'stain.' Who were these people who stood by my tired body from the moment I woke up in a basement that was also a place for villains to gather? Does that mean these people were also villains that would be joining the League?

"Leave her alone," Shigaraki gruffly stated as he glared upon the small crowd. 

Mutters from them all infiltrated my peaceful thoughts as they walked away, leaving me alone with Shigaraki, who has yet to notice that I was no longer unconscious. His red-eyed gaze remained on the group who he didn't seem to like. A frown snuck its way onto my face, and I was now wide awake; I was aware that there was a meeting with recruits while I laid on this scruffy couch, supposedly unconscious and too injured to be touched. 

"Why am I here?" I asked in a raspy voice, my throat dry and sore from not being used while I was peacefully left to myself without other people around me for distractions or annoyance. Shigaraki still didn't so much as flick his eyes back to my direction, so I sighed in what was almost definitely a quieter sound than before. My hands were uninjured and pain-free, so I used them to lift myself into a sitting position despite the strain on my ribs and the sudden wave of nausea that came with the too-fast movement. "Oh, god."

For some reason, Shigaraki still wasn't the one to hear me. Either that or he was ignoring my pain for the sake of keeping an eye on the untrustworthy squad of misfits that he decided to let join us. He lifted a hand to scratch his neck, shifting into what I thought would leave him looking at me, but he stood up and left the room. 

Instead, it was the schoolgirl who perked up and hopped her way back to in front of me, all while Shigaraki was spacing out and leaving me to the mercy of strangers. Unbelievable. 

She leaned over me, our faces inches apart. Her smile was wide, her eyes sparkling as much as her fanged teeth and just as terrifying. It was intimidating. "I know that uniform,"  she finally said. "Are you really a student at UA? You're here, but you're training to be a hero?"

"Yes..." my eyes narrowed as I hesitantly answered. I thought she would leave me alone, but it seemed like I only gained even more attention from the new members.

More bodies seemed to surround the couch where I sat as the girl who I assumed was named 'Toga' continued to pepper me with accusatory questions. With every answer I gave, they seemed to get closer to me, invading my space and crowding around me. It was an inescapable position. My body was in no shape to run away from them, and my quirk would almost certainly be useless against his many people who Shigaraki had deemed strong enough or useful enough to be a part of his society to take down heroes. 

It only took seconds before there wasn't a single spot where my eyes could wander where there wasn't a villain in my view. Not that I wasn't a villain too, but something about being surrounded by those with such a menacing aura when I had barely been exposed to people again was bringing me chills from my very core.

How could I get out of this?

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