Class 1A

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I don't know where I expected the warp gate to take me, but I definitely didn't think I would end up so close to UA when I stepped through. Even more shocking was who I found on their phone just a block away. I walked towards him, trying to remember his name when he was someone who only knew from one day of class before I transfered. His blonde hair had a black zig-zag pattern in it, and he wore his school uniform, just like me. 

The moment I stepped within 5 feet of him, his eyes met mine in annoyance. They quickly softened when he realized he had no idea who I was, but I was from UA, just like him. I smiled at him, my lips covered witha nude lipstick that was just perfect. 

"Who are you?" he looked me up and down with an odd expression on his face. 

"That's a pretty rude way to ask." I playfully teased while crossing my arms. "So who are you?

"Heh, I'm Kaminari Denki. And you are?" He smiled at me in a cute way. Not as cute as the shark tooth boy from the entrance exams, but in a more flirty way. 

"Furiyuki Kimiko, but you can call me Kimiko." I winked at him, hoping I was getting an accurate read on the situation. It looked like I was right, at least somewhat, because a light blush dusted his otherwise flawless face. 

"First name basis already? Man, you must be into me. You aren't intimidated by me being in the hero couse? Class 1A is pretty strong if I do say so." He flexed his arms, waggling his eyebrows at me. 

I looked him up and down, trying to look skeptical so he wouldn't think I was checking him out. Which I totally wasn't. There was just no way to miss his muscles while he flexed, or how soft his hair looked, or the way his teeth shined, or the pure energetic way he was throwing himself into his odd part. I was definitely not trying to imagine how his arms would feel, or how electrifying his kisses would be, or any other scenario with him. Just checking out - no. Just sizing up the competition like I would before a fight. 

"Sure... you're as intimidating as a puppy, and just as cute." 

He frowned for a second before smirking. "You think I'm cute?

"And less powerful than me, yes." My confident act was back, but I still had no clue what his quirk was. How I could fight anyone, much less someone training to be a hero, with my quirk is a joke. 

"Maybe you'd like to go out some time? Spar, date, dinner." He shrugged, looking cuter than ever. "What do you say?" 

"I'd love to. How 'bout you call me and we'll plan it?" A smile lit up his face.

I walked away, somewhat regretting my decision because I knew he couldn't contact me. I had no number, no phone, no anything that could be traced back to me. As much as I would like to have a fun night, a date, or even just hang out, that was no longer an option. If I was officially a villain, then I couldn't drag the rest of UA down with me. They'll end up dead, but at least they'll be remembered as heroes. Even the young class 1A. They're first on the list of people who need to go down. 

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