Test Subject

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Was I dreaming? I knew Hatsume was by far the most talented in our class, but I never dreamt the gloves actually worked. She forced me into an area behind the school as soon as class was out, and pointed to a miniature robot standing in front of us. 

After a moment of blankly staring, I said, "What am I supposed to do with that?"

"Try out the gloves," she huffed, obviously exasperated. "Do what you usually do to use your quirk, and try the amplifying switch." 

I was skeptical, but I lifted my hand and the robot stopped moving. I looked to Hatsume proudly only to have her mouthing something along the lines of my stupidity. She shook her head, changing her tactic to motion to my wrist, and I understood. The switch on my beautiful new gloves was a quick transition to the power flowing out of my system and into the environment around us, yet Hatsume focused on a notebook, writing something down instead of witnessing my sudden boost of ability and my ego. 

My hand lifted again to cancel out waves and stop nearby technology, but my head was telling me nothing would happen. I already cancelled out the mini robot, and it was just lying there, possibly short circuited, so what else could I do? I had to at least try because Hatsume was watching and expecting some sort of feedback on her invention. Besides... wouldn't the League be proud of this development? 

I focused on the robot, letting waves of power leave through the gloves, and more happened than I expected. Instead of just stopping the robot, it blew to pieces, and I didn't understand how. My quirk has never done something of that magnitude before, and apparently she didn't expect this either because she yelped and whispered, "my poor baby." But that wasn't all. Lights all around shut off, which has never happened with my quirk, the silence before a sudden panic from everyone who was still at school. More than one person ran out to see what caused the very sudden power shortage, including Aizawa-sensei. 

"Fukimuri-" he siad as he activated his quirk and stopped mine from causing the mess of UA that it was. 

I didn't want to contradict him, but I corrected him because he said my name wrong.  "It's actually Furiyuki Kimiko." 

The glare shut me up. "If you can't learn to control your quirk so this doesn't happen again, you will not be able to be at UA and using your quirk like this. Do you understand?" 

I nodded, and switched off the amplifyer on the gloves. Aizawa blinked, lazily walking away and possibly back to his class. Once he left, the students who happened to come over also went back to their elongated classes or to the locker room to change out of the hero costumes they had on. 

Then it was only me and Hatsume in the courtyard, silence while she mourned her robot thing and I tried to comprehend what just happened. Was I capable of that much? If I stayed in the hero course, could I actually be capable of being a hero? Or was it just the gloves that worked surprisingly well with my quirk? Either way, I knew I had an advantage. In what? Who knows, but it would come in handy. 

"Stay! I'm getting another baby for you, and this time we're trying the reverse polarization of your quirk. We saw the extent of your cancelling, so we'll see if the amplification of electrical waves will work with the gloves." She ran off without another word, and I couldn't stop myself from staring after her. 

I couldn't understand why she was being so preppy about helping me, and I didn't have the time to think about that because of the student who ran up to me with a slight frown. Kaminari? 

"Yo, what happened to our little date?"

"I'm sorry," a flirtatious laugh left my throat. "I guess I was nervous about sparring with a real hero trainee." I forced myself to look down, feigning a blush-y school girl with a crush. Half of it was true; yes, I was sure I would lose in a fight, yes, I'd like to go on a date, but the condition of the situation called for my acting and using him. Why did I have to do this? 

"Maybe... we could try skipping the sparring and go out for something else? Your choice." He grinned and rubbed the back of his neck. A smile fell on my face as I realized how much he must like me to be actively finding me and asking again. 

"I'd love that." I stepped towards him, feeling a wave of electricity. I resisted the frown that wanted to replace my smile. I never felt a shock before, and the sheer sudden wave of it hit me harder than I expected. If the gloves on my hands weren't preventing it, my quirk would have stopped it. My head shook slightly, my hair falling in front of my face, and I placed a hand on his cheek gently, pulling him closer to me. The electricity emitting off him increased, causing a shiver to run through me. 

"May I?" His golden eyes were focused on my lips, so I simply nodded my approval. He kissed me fiercely, not bothering with restraint even though we were in public at school. The jolt of his energy coursing through my veins was the complete opposite of mine, and it was short lived. He kept his warm and exciting lips against my own, but my quirk kicked in and sapped the electricity straight out of me, and possibly him. Denki  stepped back with a look of confusion. "Did-" 

"That would be my quirk." I sighed like it annoyed me. His quirk must be related to electricity. "It's like the opposite of yours. Instead of creating electrical waves or substance, I cancel it out." 

"But that's not all!" Hatsume interrupted, back from her run to get another robot. "If I get more research on her quirk and its abilities, and the extent of her control on waves, then I can find a way to reverse it, so she can amplify electrical waves and increase power instead!" 

The robot moved front and center and pushed Denki away from me, closer to where Hatsume stood in excitement. I flipped the switch on my glove in annoyance, aiming my hand at the robot. Instead of the usual subconsious effort to eliminate waves, I tried to let a small amount of my quirk flow into the robot, unsure of whether it would work. For a brief second, the robot started spinning around, speeding towards Hatsume, but then it slowed and burst into pieces.

Both Denki and Hatsume were shocked, and I internally agreed, but nothing more than wide eyes and pursed lips would have gave it away. "I think I'm going to go. Is that enough data for adjustments in the gloves?" 

She nodded enthusiastically, scribbling in a small notebook. Her attention was completely focused on collecting the information from what I displayed about my quirk. In hindsight, maybe letting someone so valuable to UA know so much about my quirk wasn't smart, but I couldn't care. 

I started walking away, but Denki wrapped a hand around my wrist, turning me to him. "Hey, I realize you probably don't have a phone now, but maybe you could watch class 1-A train sometime? And cheer me on? We're having a big rescue mission scenario in the big dome thing in a while. Would you like me to convince All Might to let you watch?" 

My eyes widened. A chance to get close to All Might. He was handing it to me on a silver platter. I had to say yes and get this to the League. Fast. 

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