Questions at UA

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For days, I was trapped in the dingy old bar while Shigaraki forced me to spit out blood whenever my answers were insufficient. My throat was on fire, the skin even more decayed than when I was first brought in. The only reason I was allowed to leave that night was because I already missed a day or two of school. I had lost track, but scars from the torture had settled in my skin and I would have to come back directly after school. 

No one would suspect anything. No one would notice me actually wearing the uniform jacket today, and no one would notice the bright red scarf that matched my gloves Hatsume made. It was a lot clunkier and easier to manage, but it took getting used to. 

When I saw students in the hall who I knew, I lowered the gaze of my tired eyes with heavy bags under them. I must look as unkempt and tired as Aizawa... but I couldn't let them notice. Even seeing Denki, only guilt flooded my system as I sped away, far beyond his voice calling my name with a welcoming smile and an excited wave. My feet weren't fond of the pace, and my mind didn't recognize where in UA I was, but I still tried to lose him. Unfortunately, training in the hero course must have made him faster than me, so he easily caught up and wrapped his fingers around my wrist. 

"What the heck Kaminari?" I snapped, trying to tug my gloved hand away from him before he noticed my wincing. His tight grip on fresh scars brought realistic flashbacks of Shigaraki's quirk being used to torture me. I wouldn't let them see my pain, but it was still there. 

He pulled me to him, pressing my body against his with a frown on his face. I met his eyes and noticed a black lightning bolt in his otherwise blonde hair. Was that always there? Although I was expecting anger, that's not what he sounded like he was feeling. It was softer. More desperate. "I haven't seen you and when I do, you run. What's up with that?" 

Rather than responding to his genuine questions, I struggled to pull myself away from his electrifying body. I was heating up from the close proximity, but it could have been a virus in my system from the scratches and cuts I was given. My body was shaking despite my rational head's  explanations of why I shouldn't, but even my face showed the epitome of pain when I finally gave up my resisting and slumped against him. 

"Wha- Kimiko? You're... tired. Are you okay? Did you get hurt? I swear I'll kill anyone who so much as touches you-" He stopped his yelling as I tugged on his shirt. I could feel his heart from my head resting on his chest, but as soon as he sweeped me up in his arms, I only felt electricity from him. "I might be late to training on the field, but you need to see Recovery Girl. Okay?"

"Okay..." I mumbled into his chest. He carried me in silence. I remained tight lipped through my visit to the school nurse, and through my 'rest' in her office. Questioning classmates were met with nothing more than a tired glare. Even Hatsume asking about the function of the gloves went ignored. No one would hear from me until the League got what they want.

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