The First League Meeting

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I can't remember when they picked me up from school, but they did, and now I was sitting in their dingy bar with the two existing members of the league. Did they really not have any more people? If I joined, then surely it couldn't be hard to convince other people, people with more powerful quirks and stronger motives, to join the cause. Their bar was certainly used more often  than just whenever I came by, and I was sure there was more people than just them, but I haven't seen a soul. 

An absurd thought crossed my mind. Could the lack of other people be to protect me? If anyone found out that I was here, whether in the school or out of it, if there was a single faulty leak, their source of information would be compromised. I'm not so egotistical enough to believe they care about me, but I am confident enough to believe they need an insider to ruin UA for them. Maybe I could use that to my advantage and get something out of being their mole. Despite my neutrality in the affairs of the world, it woukd still be nice to be better off when they usurp the heros and take over with their new order or whatever they're doing. Being in a position where they don't oppress me like anyone who gets in their way would at least be something to work for. Maybe I could even climb the ranks and join them as a leader rather than a simple and lowly subordianate. 

My red gloved hands tugged at my uniform shirt, still annoyingly tucked into my green skirt. I must look pretty ridiculous; super bright gloves sticking out like a sore thumb, a schoolgirl in a bar for edgy villains, a UA student with more makeup than common sense. If either one of villains noticed my look or my sudden nerves, they said nothing, instead, Kurogiri beckoned me away from the couch and to the bar where they stood. I silently hopped onto the bar, not bothering with a stool, waiting for them to start the conversation. 

"What has that school been teaching you? Obviously not manners." Shigaraki scoffed. "What have you found out." 

"Well, for starters I heard it's not polite to diss the person trying to help you." I glared at him as his hand reached out for my throat. I did nothing to stop him from almost certainly killing me, but Kurogiri used his quirk to stop Shigaraki from turning me to dust. I smirked. "I also learned that the most promising student in the support class is named Mei Hatsume. Total engineering prodigy."

"That's not what we need to know." A signature smile lit up Shigaraki's face in a creepy way as he started scratching at his neck. "If you're not going to find information on All Might we can easily dispose of you."

"Relax. All Might is the top hero, do you think I can just go up to him within a few days and start questioning him? No, I have to earn his trust, then he can tell me how to beat him when I insist  he has no weakness to exploit." I shake my head with a laugh, taking my gloves off to play with my hair. "He'll fall for it just like every other hero with a shred of modesty." 

Shigaraki twitched at the thought of waiting, no doubt wanting to strangle me for being so confident. Granted, I was a teenager meddling in the fate of the world as we know it, but I had a hard time believing I had to abandon my fun to be able to assist the League, so I did the obvious thing and antogonized the one in charge. "Don't you worry a single pretty hair, Tired Blue's Clues, I'll find the big man's secret for you." I fake pouted at him, not expecting a hand to actually squeeze around my throat, save for one finger.

He slowly lowered the last finger closer to my neck, smiling when I  squirmed. "You're playing with fire, and you're going to turn to dust if you keep it up. You're a spy because we want you to be. Don't think that means we won't hurt you." I could feel the decay starting around my throat, forcing me to gasp and gulp for air that wouldn't come. "Next time you'll think before talking with your silver tongue." 

He released his grip on me and I stumbled away from him, picking up the gloves that I didn't remember dropping. I nodded, biting my lip to keep a dozen sarcastic remarks at bay. The Tired Blue's Clues smirked as if he won, and I tasted a rusty iron splurt of blood in my mouth from my effort to stop myself from being thrown against a wall by him. Kurogiri looked slightly sympathetic, but that might just be me imagining it because I wasn't all that sure if a purple portal-like-thing could have a sympathetic look in his not-quite-facial-features of his. 

"I'll talk to All Might and other students. I'll find out where and when he'll be the most vulnerable for an ambush. Anything else?" I resisted calling him by my new personal nickname for him, but he didn't extend that curtesy to me. 

"I want every one of those students dead, my little Blood-Stained Traitor." He seemed to think it was clever. 

Kurogiri and I chorused a confused, "What?"

"It's her red gloves! You know, like 'caught red-handed'? Because  of her red gloves and the death of heros and students will be her fault, their blood on her hands?" He looked between us.

I nodded. "Oh, I understood, but-" He shot a bonechilling stare at me. "-it was a devastating insult?" 

They dismissed me, the last sound I heard from them before I walked through the warp gate to who-knows-where being poor little Blue's Clues trying to persuade Kurogiri that the nickname was indeed an insult that was more clever than my own. All I did was let out a snort like laugh right before the warp gate closed and Shigaraki could try to kill me for my insolence. Whatever that means. 

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