First Time in a Long Time

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I knew where I was, but the fact that Kurogiri warped me out here was a shock. The overly green and perfectly manicured grass; the subtle cage of the building by surrounding it in semi-tall hedges; the overly complicated mosiac on the path to the front door; the looming shadow engulfing most of the property in its darkness. It was home. 

As familiar as every aspect of my childhood house was, the eery air sent chills through my spine despite the layers I was wearing. Still, my feet started up the trail without a second thought, walking into my empty house.  

But the memories kept flowing before I could stop them. Even as I let out shaky breaths, even as my knees shook and my hair whipped back and forth behind my in its braid, I couldn't calm the nerves that came with thinking about what happened in this house. 

Any other day was so exciting, but that day was so calm, I should have guessed something was horrendously screwed up. The maids in my parents giant mansion was no where to be seen, but I kept on playing with the porcelain doll I got on my birthday. No chef was present in the kitchen, so I ignored my rumbling stomach as I created a fictional world around myself. No parents, or aunts, uncles, or cousins were running about, squealing in happiness, and that's what I found most odd.

It took hours before I was lonely enough to push myself off of the floor, my small palms lifting the weight of my body to a rise, opting to look for the straggling people who didn't leave. I searched numerous rooms, each one of the three floors, and not a sound was heard. Everyone in my family was just gone: without me. They didn't... want me. 

For days, I sat, alternating between crying, moping, wandering, and investigating. My 7 year old self couldn't understand. Even when police came barging through, turning every part of the house inside out and upside down, my family didn't return. 

I was taken to the police station to explain what I knew, but I couldn't help. Adults were surrounding me, but I didn't let a single tear show to them. Somehow, I convinced them my parents would be back, I almost convinced myself, until I got back to the oversized thing. 

"I can't stay here," I sobbed, dropping to my knees as less-than-pretty tears ran down my face. It was an ugly scene, with snot coming out of my nose, and runny makeup everywhere, but I couldn't stop seeing the irony. My tears were the most familiar part of my house, and the part that made me feel most at ease with being here.

I still kept the house. 

By the time I was 12, the police finally came to check up on me. It took them 5 years to find that my parents were dead, that someone managed to empty my house and kill all of my family, and that I was alone for all this time. 

More adults rushed through, asking me even more questions, but the answers all sounded the same in my head. How many ways could I rephrase what I went through? How could I say my family is- well... were great people? 

"They didn't hurt me."

"I had plenty of money to buy food." 

"I can live by myself."

"I don't know what happened." 

"I'm fine." 

The will was the last straw that put me over the edge. Instead of resolving their deaths, the police only wanted to figure out what to do. I was left alone because I was rich, and the will left me everything. Legally, even though I should have been too young to claim any of the fortune or property, the will stated it was all mine. At 12 years old, I was completely independent. 

The fog lifted over my hazy dream, and I realized how unready I was to have people knowing who I was. Before UA, before the League, before anyone, I was fine living here alone with barely any electricity working. But I couldn't rest knowing Kurogiri knew exactly who I was. If he warped me to this exact spot, then he figured it out, right?

Everyone has been questioning me for so long. No one rescued me from the trauma, and I didn't have a hero, so I decided to become one. UA was a perfect opportunity, yet... the League showed me a new side of history. Shigiraki has been asking why I joined the League... so... why can't I say it's to change the world that hurt me? Heros did nothing for me, and I realized that after joining UA, but the words never come out... 

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