Her Sorrows

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(A/N: I hope you enjoyed that last chapter, because boy have I got another for you. Don't you think Ruki and Akane's relationship is progressing? I don't want it to be like a speedy gain, you know. Like BAM they're in love. I want it to take a while. Well, anyway, the theme here is When She Went Away-Max Richter. Enjoy~!

Thanks for reading!



Akane bolted up in bed, gasping loudly. 

"Awake, are you?"a voice murmured. Akane turned in surprise, spotting Ruki sitting in a chair. He had his usual book in his hands, his eyes tracing over the words inside. Akane stared at him. She looked away. "Kou says to give you his regards. He's gone away on Idol work for the rest of the weekend." 

"Right...I forgot he was an idol..."Akane murmured. Ruki looked up in surprise, lowering the book. 

"You're not a fan?"

"I didn't even know he was the idol named "Kou" until a few days ago..."Akane told him. Ruki hummed once, looking away as he bookmarked the page. He sat the book on the chair, moving and walking over to her. Ruki sat down where her legs weren't, on the edge of the bed. He reached for her. Is he going to...no not again! Please don't take my blood again so soon after Kou-! Akane squeezed her eyes shut. Ruki ignored her reaction, gently brushing her bangs from her forehead. Akane's eyes shot open in surprise as he pressed his palm to her forehead. 

"Your fever's gone,"Ruki told her. Akane blinked at him. Ruki moved, lowering his hand. "What's that look for?"

"I...I thought you were going to...." Ruki sent her an annoyed look. 

"You honestly expected me to drink from you after you've just awoken from Kou devouring you?"Ruki asked her. Akane looked away, sighing. Ruki rolled his eyes. "I'm not that heartless. I do believe you should be punished thoroughly for being so weak, but that can wait until you've regained your strength. You should eat something." Akane gave him a surprised look. She hummed at him and moved, pulling her legs out from behind him. She wobbled, moving and bending over to grab her long-sleeve t-shirt that was on the floor. She pulled it back over her head, closing her eyes. "You always wear long-sleeves."

"I'm cold natured,"Akane told him. Ruki hummed once. After a moment, he spoke again. 

"You...Kou saw you use your ability. What exactly is it?" Akane stiffened. She sat still beside him, looking away. 

"I can see things..."Akane told him. She sighed and closed her eyes. "Like...before they happen."

"You mean premonitions." 


Silence hung over the two. After a moment, Ruki frowned. 

"So you saw Kou's future?" Akane paused. She looked at Ruki, her brows pinching together. She shook her head. Ruki gave her a confused look. "Then what was it earlier?" Akane sighed. She moved, crossing her arms around herself. 

"I'm not actually sure."

"Well...I won't ask you about it. It involves Kou, so you should speak with him." Ruki moved, standing from the bed. "You missed a call on your phone. Your Mother." Akane's eyes went wide. 

"You didn't answer it, did you?!"


Akane sighed in relief. She moved, grabbing her phone and clicking it on. She moved, unlocking it and scrolling through her contacts. Ruki went and sat back down quietly in his chair. My Mother called...I wonder if it's good news or bad? She smiled and moved, clicking the button to dial. Akane rose the phone to her ear. Ruki glanced at her. So happy to speak with her family, he thought. 

My Eve(Ruki x OC)(Book 1: Mukami Chronicles)Where stories live. Discover now