ja'na and polo.31

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we all woke up at 8am late for school but we didn't care in three days we were going to unbury things hat if found could lock us up for years

"wear my sister shirt and just wear my joggers and boxers shit I can't miss today it'll make us look guilty"

"ite im out cozo see y'all Wednesday for the plan"

"ite! lets go polo! stop by marie house for my car mother got the key"

after driving to Marie house so Ja'na to get her car she walked inside the house like she own the place and I watched as light-skinned women came out and looked at me she even came to the car and took my picture

"you ain't finna kinnap this one Whicho weird looking ass what kind of name is polo!"

"that's not my intention MA'ma"

"I know it's not I'll bust yo ass you know my daughter Marie? "

"no MA'ma!"

"Polly lying you stay away from her too! Sneaky ASSES"

"Athena get away from his car!"

"Ja'na imma tell your mother about your grown ass"

"he just giving me a ride! Chill"

"mh get y'all ASSES to school"

Ja'na ~

Walking into math 3 with my shades on I sat beside the one and only Shawn.

"that bathingsuit had me wishing I was beside you"

"NoT gonna happen Shawn!"

"you still with Christan?"

"am I still? Nigga we married"

"maybe I can be the key to unlock the Lock"

"and maybe my foot can be the foot that kicked you in the ass"

"such a foul mouth for a pretty face"

"suck my dick boy"

"I heard you cheating on him with his bestfriend! Didn't know you was a freak like that"

"where did you hear that?"


It was now the third period meaning writing class. Meaning. Marie, Christan, polo, Mindy, Shawn, Kevin(if he come to class) other people

God! Life sucks


Ethan:good luck

Ja'na: don't need it


"another tardy!"

"I know you ain't talking You in here getting one too polo"

"how about y'all two get these passes and get to class!"

We walked together

"this is it polo"

"Yea as long as we just stay calm things will be alright"

Knocking on the door we wait for the teacher

"I can't believe the poet queen is late, and who is this with you! Come inside we were just getting started"

We walked in and sat down..

"today were going to write a letter to someone in this letter You write all your feelings towards this person...any questions? "

No one raised there hands I could tell this was going to be one hell of a class.

can i be him? (editing)(completed) Where stories live. Discover now