Chapter 1

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"Y-yes d-daddy" An ear-piercing scream was heard, along with distant sirens.

|~○Year Later○~|

I woke up painfully, to be honest, I had to squint my eyes to adjust to a bright light, which belonged to a hospital light... The last thing I remember is my dad.... what happened?

"Iz..ku...Izu..k...Izuku," I heard my mother's voice and looked around. I saw a doctor and my mom, but that was it.

"What happened?" I asked quietly because it hurt to talk, and I'm only able to guess what happened...

"You've been in a coma for year honey... I waited here every day hoping. No! Hoping and praying, for you to wake up... after what he did to you I can't bear to watch you go through the pain. Honey, your dad has been taken away." Her tone had dropped from its usual sweet voice, and she showed no emotion. It scared me.

The doctor had begun to speak and I was still slightly unaware, so his words made no sense, but he did say I could go home. Home...I don't remember much, and my mind feels foggy trying to think of what it looked like. Still, I wanted to feel safe again, and here everything just seemed panicky and at the edge. My mother finished her conversation, and they began prepping me for leaving tonight.

The doctor gave his final words of encouragement, "Even if everything seems unfamiliar, or maybe weird to you, just remember you'll always be safe, little man." he ruffled my hair and I let out a giggle before my mom picked me up.

I was carried out and helped me into my car seat, and mom lightly tossed a bag of medication for me beside my seat. She had told me not to do any talking until we got home, or I won't get better. I listened, wanting to see my friends again, and I can't do that until I'm better! But, what worried me was Kacchan, he was my childhood friend until he manifested his quirk, and became mean, finding out I didn't have a quirk. I didn't want to be hurt again.

After a peaceful silence, we reach the driveway of my new home. Mommy had told me she didn't want me to relive anything again, and though I don't remember much, I understood why she did move us. She had turned off the car and let out a deep sigh, before getting out of the car, gathering up her and I's stuff, and picking me up and out of the car. She walks to the front door and fumbles with keys, before successfully getting the door open.

I looked around and took a glance up the steps, seeing only one of the doors open upstairs. I pull on my mom's shirt, and she got the message, lightly putting me down.

"Oh, Izuku, before you go up there, would you like some Katsudon?" She smiles upon seeing my face lighten up, and frantically nod my head.

|~○Next Day○~|

"Izuku, honey wake up." I slowly flutter my eyes open and look over at my mom who's pulling the curtains open and letting the warm light hit my skin to wake me.

I squint my eyes at the bright light and slowly sit up, glancing at my All Might room again, it still all feels new but so familiar. I get out of bed and see my uniform sitting on my chair in the corner of my room, so I walk over to it, grab the smooth uniform, and quickly slide it on. I run out towards the bathroom and pull a stool over to the sink, before brushing my teeth and heading down to eat breakfast.

I was a little scared to head to school, but mama said that she believes I'll do fine, and I believe her. Weirdly enough I didn't feel hungry, I just figured after a year I would be. I slid downstairs and began to eat, it hurt a little because of my throat, but I still ate. Once done my mom grabbed my bag and we were out the door. The drive to school was just as peaceful as the drive back from the hospital, and once we arrived I took a deep breath in and slowly got out of the car...

"Alrighty! Have a great day my little hero, don't worry you'll make plenty of friends and have plenty of fun." A small smile appeared on her face as she left to go back to the car.

"No Way!" I heard a yell, but I couldn't tell who it was.

"Deku! You're back!" This boy with blonde spikey hair yelled while running towards me.

Painful memories came back to me and I just ran to the school as fast as I could. I couldn't face that boy, especially now, after all that had happened. The class was, all the same and my mind drited off to the boy again 'Who was he...and who is Deku?'. As the day continued, and I was still bullied for being quirk less, and years later I felt that I wasn't enough.


IT'S BACK. I finally have gotten to re-writing this, but now that I started, I'll be able to finish soon! Stay tuned for daily updates (Hopefully). This story was definitely poorly written... and didn't get that much effort put into it, but I feel more confident, so it should be new and improved. Though from here on out the plot will slightly change, don't worry though, I will attempt to keep as much as I can. Anyways, thank you so much for reading chapter 1, love y'all!

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