Chapter 9

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#$*Bakugou's POV*$#

I sat watching Deku, his mouth placed in a thin line as he rests. Doctors had finished telling us they will wake him in a few days, as soon as his heart stops spiking. The more you look at him, especially now, he seems lost, or I suppose broken is a better word. I have known him since we were 4, yet I can barely remember what his eyes look like when they light up. Also, for being with the villains for a year, he seems untouched, there were no marks on him, and his health is in perfect shape besides the damage from his fall. 

I turn my head up to the window, sunlight shining in as it rises, because it is only 7, I had to come before school. But something caught my eye, a ring, sitting on Izu's left hand. It was black and looked like the one Kiri had gotten recently. I took his hand in mine and slid off the ring, flipping it over, the words reading 'Stupid Heroes, daddy, E.K'. Shock plastered itself on my face before the door slammed open.

"Bakubr--. What are you doing?" Kirishima looked angry, I don't know why. He stormed over and snatched the ring from my grip, sliding it back on Izuku.

"Take your's off." I whispered out, "The ring."

"What?" He looked at me with disbelief. I sighed and looked back up giving him a threatening glare, "Fine, here, see if I give a shit." He handed me the ring and went to the other side of Deku, grabbing onto his hand.

I flipped the ring over, this was white, and under was black, opposite to Izuku's. The ring read 'Smart Villains, baby, I.M'. Now I was in shock, these were promise rings and not only that, they read phrases opposite to the right, it was so wrong. What the hell is wrong with them.

"So, you sneak out to make out with my best friend?" He laughs. Fucking laughs.

"Nah, we have sex, dumbass. But yes, I suppose I sneak out to make out with him." He then put quotes up, "Your 'Bestfriend'." I am disgusted, he is risking his hero career on a relationship.

"Explain the phrases, why does it say 'stupid heroes' and 'smart villains'. What the actual fuck is that supposed to mean." Kirishima's face fell and he stuck up the middle finger at me.

"See, stupid heroes, I mean me and Izuku are smarter than you. Not that it matters." It all clicked, and I looked back to Izukus lifeless body. Green hair, Izuku is 5'10 now though he used to be 5'5, a black mask, found in his drawer after the school went on lockdown. He, no. I turned to run but was stopped by Kami.

"What is happening here?"

÷/Izuku's POV\÷

I hear yelling, but it is all too confusing to make out, though I can tell Kiri has my hand placed in his, fiddling with my ring. I was attempting to wake up, but this is a lot harder than I thought. Before I knew it I was able to wake up, only with a gasp for air as it happened. I turn to look at Eijiro, his head turned and tears in his eyes. I gave him a look and he leaned towards me, as I opened my arms to him, comforting circles rubbed into his back.

"Doctor! Help!" I turned my head to face the source, Kaminari.

Doctors came rushing in with shocked faces, "Why is everyone looking at me like I just woke up after a week or someth--, Oh." Kiri began crying, and I noticed his ring wasn't on his finger anymore, "Baby, where is the ring." He sobbed harder and pointed to Katsuki. That bastard.

"Midoriya." I flipped my head at the sound of my original name, "How are you feeling, you woke up a few days before the medicine was meant to wear off." The doctor spoke carefully as if he was scared of me, but I didn't question it.

"I am fine. But, what isn't fine is a certain someone taking my baby's ring. Katsuki, give it back." My voice was stern, and it was low.

"What! No, he is in a relationship with a villain, a sexual one at that!" I chuckled, stupid heroes.

"Who said anything about a villain, the rings may say smart villains and all that crap, but what does it mean, last time I checked, we are simply in a relationship, I don't see how it is an issue," I whispered something in Kiri's ear, a blush forming on his face, but he nods and takes out his phone.

"Woah wait, I was not informed of anything along those lines. That is fucked up, Kiri you are dating a villain. Really, you stooped that low down, what villain is it." Surprisingly, Denki didn't react how I assumed he was going to, a lot calmer than Katsuki though.

I spoke for Kiri, he was busy texting Mamagiri to pick us up, even if I was supposed to stay a week, plans have been moved forward slightly. "Oh, 'Green Phoenix', well I should say me, but that is a little more revealing, I mean beside flat out saying, 'Hey! I have killed thousands of people, let's be friends!' I mean, it is a little messed up." I stood up, protests from the doctor in the corner, "Shut up old man, this is nothing compared to other injuries I have had." I grumbled in response.

My feet hit the cold floor, I grab onto Eijiro for support, watching as he types, blowing air onto his neck. I feel the glares from Katsuki, possibly one from Kaminari, before I hear them call someone. "Hey, we gotta get out of here baby." I wrap my arms around his waist.

"Okay, daddy, they're here. One sec." I smirk against his neck and close my eyes. Feeling smoke envelop us in it, back home at last.


Well, how I love a good daddy and baby boy relationship. I am really liking the whole three chapters a weekend, it just works so much, and gives me a whole day to work on one singular chapter, letting me take them to the best of my ability. I want to point out, my ass had to get up at 8 fucking AM for a HIGHSCHOOL INTERVIEW. Don't get me wrong, school gets you places, but is it worth waking up so early on a Saturday, no, no it is not. Anyways, hope you guys are enjoying the new storyline, love y'all!

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