Chapter 3

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When I got to the kitchen there was a little box on the table, and it had the words "Don't peek" on it, what could this be? I walk up to the box and follow it's instructions by not peeking. It may have been a minute before I looked over at the clock and when I looked back it had "Open me". I could have sworn it didn't say that a second ago, but I followed. Then, written on a little note inside said: "Eat me", placed next to a small piece of chocolate. Though, nothing happened immediately so I continued waiting for Toshinori to join me.

"Hey! Izuku what do you want for your birthday dinner?" Speak of the devil, it's him, and asking me what I want for dinner.

"B-birthday dinner?" I stutter out, "Oh! Um, Katsudon, it's my favorite!" I could tell the color was coming back to my eyes... he truly is peace.

"Katsudon coming up! So tell me more about yourself." He began to cook, looking giddy to be doing so.

"Well, I love animals, green is my favorite color, I'm top in my class, I have a dream to be a hero, and well UA is my dream school... but I'm quirk less," I mumbled out, I didn't enjoy talking about myself, and talking to my idol only makes it a thousand times worse.

"Hey, I wouldn't say that. Tomorrow, I'll show you why your quirk is!" Toshinori turned back to me with a grin on his face, putting the finishing touches on our meals.

"How do you know I have one?" I spoke, confused, "It was confirmed a long time ago."

"Mine is passed down through each generation, and, well, what you just ate there was my DNA. The chocolate carried it, now you have One For All! Oh, here's your Katsudon!" He claimed calmly... He wasn't the least bit worried.

"Your kidding I have One For All!" I was probably shaking from excitement. Best. Day. Ever!

"Yup!" He gave me that All Might smile, which gave me hope for a new start.

|~•°3 Years later°•~|



"Ugh! I'm up! Stupid alarm." I mumbled, angry at the clock.

My first day at UA, exciting but Dad told me to only use 15%. I slowly roll out of bed and get up, heading to my closet I look for my uniform and get dressed, not bothering with my tie. I then head downstairs and straight for the kitchen.

"Hey, Izuku, excited?" I hear Dad speak while cooking, still in his pajamas.

"Yea! But im still sad about not using One For All to my full potential, also, don't you have to come to work today?" I asked him, unsure of his fashion choice.

"Hey, I can wear whatever I want, also I'm going in late today, and it's alright, you did fine at the entrance exam without using it at all. I can't have you killing someone" He mindlessly claims... oh if only he knew what I do for the underground.

"I know 'All Might'." I sarcastically mock him.

"Hey! That wasn't nice! Did you want some food?" My dad made some weird pouty face, I swear he's a child.

"Nope, I'll eat on the way, you burnt it. Bye, dad! I'll see you at school!" I yell while running out of the door.

"You betcha!" What is his problem, even his word choice sucks?

I put on some music and head to school, walking with my head down I reach the gates. It may sound surprising but I go on patrol with my dad all the time, I'm actually pretty famous in Japan and quite ripped for 15 but I'm... not one to brag. Walking through the gates I slowly take off my headphones and put them away in my bag heading to class 1-A.

Reaching the big door I slowly slide it open to none else but me in the classroom so I simply choose a seat not knowing if they were assigned. 5 minutes later I hear chatter down the hall followed by students flowing in, one caught my eye, 'Eijiro Kirishima'.

"Woah! Is that Izuku Midoriya..." A girl with brown hair claims.

"Wait you mean, All Might's kid?" Another voice claimed though it belonged to a boy with blue hair this time.

"Yea, that's me I can hear you from here. If you are going to whisper at least try." I furrow my brows in an angry way, putting my feet on my desk.

"Oh! Sorry, im Ochaco Uraraka!" She holds her hand out, in which I shake willingly.

"Izuku Midoriya, but it seems you know me!" I say, still annoyed.

"Deku!" I turn my head towards where the yelling is coming from. Only to see a spiky blonde hair boy pointing at me... 'Hm, was he in my kindergarten class.'. I see him storm towards me, and as confused as I was, snapped back.

"Who the hell are you calling 'Deku'. Also, who the hell even are you?" I yell at him. Seeing his face fall as I finish.

"You don't... No... How is this possible?" He started to pull at his hair, just as our homeroom teacher walks in.

"Class settle down. We are going to be doing a quirk assessment today the last place is expelled." Ah, classic Aizawa, he used to watch me when I was 12 until Dad got back from patrol. Honestly pretty nice once you get to know him.

"Alright, head to the locker rooms!"

I got a lot of questions to answer but instead, I just run out of the classroom. I really wasn't feeling like talking to people. In the locker room, I quickly get dressed and run out to see Shota waiting for us.

"Hey! Shota, been a few years, huh?" I throw out the phrase into the wind.

"Oh! Izuku, well yeah, but I see you on patrol all the time with All Might." He has a point there.

"I know, I know. Hey look, there's the dad that I live with!" I chuckle with Shota, as we look towards my dad.

"Hey, Toshinori!" Shota waves his way, him waving back.

"Hello, Shota, came to see my old boy grow up to be me." He ruffles my hair, as the rest of the students file in. He gets close and whispers "I expect infinity", I know it may sound harsh, but he's cool, just making sure I don't slack off.

"First up, Midoriya!"

Here I go. He hands me the ball and I throw it, almost immediately powering up 30% of One For All...

"Infinite." You can hear the tone in Shotas voice, used to this.

"Wow! That's amazing Midoriya!" Ochaco seems to like me already, maybe I could use that as a villain advantage.

"Next up is, Bakugou!" So, Bakugou is his name. Why is that so familiar? There's just something about him. Oh! I'll try looking through my old box of stuff, maybe I'll find something there.

Stepping up Bakugou sets off a few explosions that send the ball flying, but only 705.2 meters, hm, guess he's not as great as he seems.

After the long quirk assessment, I end up first and the hot-headed dude in second, I'm guessing he hates losing, because he was about to bite my head off. Until I ran out of the field and changed.

I like to change first because I don't really know what people will think of me, my dad has always taught me not to be ashamed. but sometimes it's just too hard to bear, and words hurt a little too much.

Today was rough and I had a pain in my side from the explosion kid hitting me with his quirk. My dad took us out to dinner for some Tonkatsu, before me and he heads to patrol. I love this life, and so far I love UA too, it'll be a while before I plan to go.


Aye! It's complete! The 3rd chapter has been rewritten, and now we may have an actual storyline for once, as always, thank you for reading, love you all!

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