Chapter 4

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Another day at UA, to be honest, I secretly have a favorite student but I won't say who... I wake bright and early at 5:00 so I can shower. I've always taken long showers but there very relaxing once I get home from U.A., and though we shower in the locker room it sometimes gets awkward in there. Plus, last night I went on a killing spree until around 2:00, so I'm quite tired, I was hoping this cold shower would wake me up.

I heard my dad calling me around 6:30, I'm guessing he's made breakfast. I run downstairs and to the table. I could smell the pancakes throughout the house, Granpa is a pretty good cooker. (AN//- This is another little hint to the end, he has no grandfather, and he hasn't met Gran Torino. If you wanna guess what I'm planning then go-ahead).

"I am here!" I've gotten in a habit of doing that living with Dad, now it's more of a mocking thing.

"Yes, yes you are! Hey, I also wanted to congratulate you on 1st place you did great my boy!" He exclaimed with a smile.

"Aww. Thanks, Dad that's sweet!" I grit through a smile... too sweet.

"Anything for my boy. Say who have you taken an interest in? I see you glance at young Kirishima!" I'm that obvious, I thought I could get away with it this time.

"Dad, ok fine, yes, but I'll only admit it once... Hmph!" I snap back in a whiney tone.

"Fiesty! Also, where were you last night? The number 1 villain struck again... I want to make sure you're safe." he quirked an eyebrow my way, and I almost choke on my pancakes.

"Again, Dad I have to go to school." He frowns my way, as I continue to walk out the door.

"Again? You never said that." I don't look back to see his face, I only assume what it looks like.

"Whatever! Bye!" I wave to him, still backward, and head out.

"Bye!" He made it seem as though he could see right through me, but they have no name to trace back to, and I never leave evidence. Ugh, I'll have to tell Shigiraki I may be a possible suspect.

Walking to school was quieter than usual, there was no talking at all, no one was on the streets even! I stopped to take a look at a cafe that's usually packed but today it was just... empty. I start running unaware that someone was right behind me the whole time, they started running too... 'Wait? I've heard that running before... KIRI~CHAN!'

"Hey! Man, I've been trying to catch up to you forever!" He huffs out between breaths.

"Umm, right... what do you want exactly?" I give him a questioning look when we both slow down.

"Do you have a partner for the project yet!" Ah, the hero research project, jeez, he's lucky to have asked me before anyone else did. People would kill to work with All Might's "son".

"No, why?" I respond to him, genuinely curious.

"Well, I wanted to see if we could work together since were going to get dorms I thought it would be easier for us to work together!" He shoots me a smile, showing his sharp teeth off.

"Yea, but why not that Katsuki dude?" When I had done research last night, I found that I and he were childhood best friends and that I called him...Kacchan, or something. Maybe I'll call him that to give him a good scare.

"Katsuki?" He raised a brow.

"Yeah! Katsuki, well I call him Kacchan, but I suggest you stick with Bakugou... He seems to be the snappy type of person." I chuckle quietly as Kiri joins in.

"Yea, I already saw that side of him the first time we met, he's like an angry pomeranian!" We both start laughing.

"What the hell did you call me, Shitty Hair?" We both quickly shut up as we hear the yell.

"Run." We glance and make a telepathic agreement.

"Yup, run!" I and Kirishima broke out into a giggle fit over how Katsu--Kacchan, ran after us.

Reaching U.A. with an angry pomeranian chasing us and one cu--whatever Kirishima next to me, I swear he heard mumbling as he had quite the blush on his face after I said that. Reaching class it was chaotic, nobody in their seats, like three people still eating breakfast, and like four screaming at the top of their lungs. Aizawa walks in at the best moments.

"Sit your asses down." Somehow that was still said in a monotone voice... weird.

"Today we will be doing some life-changing things!" He called out, his sleeping bag in his hands.

"Choosing your hero name!" Midnight popped up out of nowhere and yelled.

"Hello, Midnight!" All of the class 1-A said at once.

"Ah! Hello, students. Now that you have a great teacher on your hands, let's do this. So, your hero name will be chosen here and taken further through your hero career! It needs to be important and unusual so people can recognize you, also it has to somehow relate to your quirk!" She exclaimed, before calling the first name.


"Well, I chose The Chikara!" To be slightly less obvious, I chose something close to my quirk, and somewhat like my dad's hero name. (Force in Japanese)

"Well! That's a big title to live up to! I think it's perfect for you Midoriya!" Midnight smiles my way, and I smile back.

"Thank you!" I go back to my seat.

After everyone chose their names we went to go train. Dad has been forcing me to train harder so now OFA has reached 56%, which is better than before. Today was the day we were moving into dorms actually and I and Kirishima are right across from each other, so I think I can get close--

"You wanna get close to me?" I swear there was legit no smirk like his, he even had one of his teeth hang out.

"What? O-oh h-hi Ki-Kiri-chan!" I stutter out, just a few more hours, then I can drop the act.

"Hey! So wanna head to your house after school and grab your stuff?" He asks.

"Sure!" I cheerfully answered. Wait... 'Did he just act like he said nothing!'

Once school had finished we started to walk out together, before Todoroki stopped us both, asking where we were going together. But, I just grabbed Kiri's hand and pushed past him. I have no time for anyone's bullshit. That's for sure.


No excuses. Just didn't post, I'm sorry. But, I promise you'll have about 8-all of the chapters out for this story by either tomorrow, or Wednesday, and I'll be updating Triple Dare with 3 or more chapters on Wednesday for those who read it. As always, thank you for reading, love y'all! 


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