Prologue Eleven Years Ago

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A smart, but adventuress eight-year-old girl named Irma Carr, with brown eyes and brown hair that went past the shoulders, decided to try out the new ice skates she got for Christmas. She learned how to ice skate when she was four, and she felt confident in herself to ice skate on her own without her parent's supervision.

With a jacket over her pajamas and thick socks, Irma snuck out of her bedroom around eight at night, with a flashlight in hand, and rode her bike to the pond near the woods.

Once at the pond, Irma sat on a rock to put her skates on, and as she does so, snow begins to fall slowly. She glanced up at the sky and smiled widely. Winter was Irma's favorite season.

Irma goes out to the middle of the icy pond. She smiles and laughs in triumph as she keeps herself from falling.

As she skates on, cracks start to form in the center. Irma is unaware until she trips over a raised ice.

She screams as she falls forward. She looks around to see small cracks slowly become bigger.

Irma froze with fear.

"Someone help," Irma screamed in terror!

"Didn't think anyone was going to be here at this hour," an unheard voice said. "But don't worry. I got you!"

All around Irma, the ice began to mend itself. Irma watched in astonishment and confusion.

As she sat upright as the last bit of ice froze back together, a snowflake fell upon her nose.

"Frost?" Irma's smiled.

"Jack Frost," She loved watching the animated Jack Frost movies every Christmas!

"Jack Frost," Irma repeated with a bigger smile!

A swirl of white formed in front of her as a man appeared from it and revealed to look as if he was still eighteen years old. He had short snow-white hair and crystal blue eyes. The man wore a blue hoodie with frost on most of it and tan-brown leather pants that went above the ankles with leather laces wrapped around the shins. The pants seemed to be torn and frost coated at the bottom as well. He was shoeless. He also carried a long wooden staff that curved at the top.

Irma's mouth hung open with shock.

"Hey!" Jack grinned from ear to ear. "You can see and hear me?"

Irma nods, still staring.

Forgetting she was on ice skates, Irma leaps up to hug him, only to more so fall into him but embraces him tightly in a bear hug.

Jack was surprised and hesitated a moment before hugging her back.

"How did you know I existed?" Jack asked with curiosity, now lowering himself to her level.

"I'm a fan of Jack Frost movies."

"You are, huh?"

Irma smiled with a nod. "You aren't a snowman, and you seem to be nice and not mean."

Jack chuckled. "No, I'm not a snowman, but I can be mischievous at times."

She laughed.

"So why are you a fan of me or those fictional Jack Frost's?"

"Because you all can control snow. I love the snow."

Snow from when Irma first arrived at the pond had stopped fifteen minutes ago. Still being down at Irma's level, Jack looked up at the sky, noticing that his snow had stopped. He bent his left arm in front of him, and a snowflake forms in his hand while it levitates above his palm. Once fully formed, it spun around his hand then traveled above them, exploding into hundreds of smaller flakes that fell upon them.

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