Ch. 15 -Or Not Pt. 2

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"It's because of you, Jack," Tooth replied, as she stepped closer to him.

"Me?" Jack swallowed.

"Ever since I laid my eyes on you, and the smiles you gave me. It made me want you even more."

"What are you saying? How did you having a crush on me and just innocent smiles taint your lust?"

"It went beyond that Jack; I've had dreams of us being together. They told me we were meant to be."

Jack scrunched his face and shook his head as he looked at the floor. "You need to go to the other Guardians to get them to help cure your tainted lust," he said, looking back up at Tooth.

Tooth scoffed, "They can't help me with that, Jack. Only you can."

"That's not what I meant," Jack told her. "There has to be another way to help get your lust back to normal."

"Just you," Tooth answered.

"No! That's a lie!"

"Come with me, Jack. We can help each other," Tooth said as she extended her hand for him to take.

"No! You're wrong," he yelled! "And I'm not going anywhere with you!"

Tooth took another step toward him.

Jack couldn't move backward, for he would only run into Irma. He also didn't want to leave her unprotected.

"I'm not going to help you with your lust," Jack yelled, agitatedly! "Ever!"

He also was feeling a bit scared.

How can he escape this?

How can he experience a normal life with Irma, with Tooth intruding whenever she felt like it, thinking she could try to win him over?

He was scared not only for himself but for Irma as well.

What would Tooth do to her? She already threw Irma against a wall!

Was Tooth, in the state she was in, capable of doing even worse things?

Jack swallowed again. "Please, don't hurt Irma again. And please, please just leave."

Tooth's tainted lust suddenly altered its dull appearance, and Jack became wide-eyed when he saw what it transformed into.

It shapeshifted into looking like him.

"No," it came out as a whisper when fear caught in his throat. "Please, stop."

Lust floated toward Jack.

Irma slowly got back to her feet, and Jack brought his free hand in front of her, instinctively, to protect her from Tooth.

Irma brought her hand out from under her blanket to pull Jack and herself away from the wall.

As the two moved, Lust blocked them from going any further.

"She can go. I don't care about her," Tooth said, once again glaring at Irma.

"I'm not going anywhere without him," Irma yelled at her!

Tooth's wings fluttered with disapproval.

"Irma," Jack replied softly, "I don't want you to get hurt again." He kissed her on the temple, "I'll be fine."

"No," Irma said with the same tone as him. "Please, I don't want to leave you!"

"He told you to leave," Tooth hissed!

Then she smiled and said, "He doesn't want you. Otherwise, he would've asked you to stay."

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