Ch. 13 Acquire

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Tooth was back in her palace, contemplating how to go about what the page she took from the book said.

"I can't allow Jack to go any further with her," she told herself. "They mustn't get that far! I won't allow it!

"I need to come up with a plan to have Jack be mine, and to make Jack a Sprite again."

She circled the middle of her chamber then she saw her four fairies return with the two memory boxes.

That means that Jack and that woman are on their way back to Burgess, Tooth thought to herself. I cannot allow Jack to be intimate with that human.

"Jack will soon learn the truth of who his real, true soulmate is." She smiled to herself, "He will tell me that he loves me, and tell me about the mistake he made by believing Irma was the one."

Baby Tooth now flew over to her and chirped, "Is everything all right, my Queen?"

"I couldn't be better," Tooth smiled. "I have to go out on another run. I will return when I return." With that, she flew out of her palace, leaving Baby Tooth in confusion and suspicion.

Baby Tooth looked at the now empty spot of where her queen once stood and thought back to the incidences.

She had a shocked look on her face, realizing that she needed to do something to stop her queen from doing anything she would regret.

Baby Tooth flew to get some of the other little fairies on the same page to help.

She gathered fifteen of them up-that could be spared from their duties-including the three she was with back at the North Pole.

The three fairies agreed that there was something off with their queen, and the others took their word for it to do what they could to help.

Baby and the fifteen other tooth fairies flew to Burgess to findToothiana, splitting up to find her quicker. 

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