Ch. 7 Close

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It was the next day, and Jack and Irma were on the living room couch in silence but enjoying each other's company.

Jack had been racking his brain since he kicked Tooth out of the house, he barely talked. He allowed Irma to hug, touch, and kiss him on the cheek, but he hardly spoke a word to her.

Irma thought that this awkward silence went on long enough and decided to try to strike up a conversation. "Jack?" She took hold of his hand, "Why are you letting that get to you so much? She's just a jealous woman who didn't get your love. That's all."

Jack looked at her. "I know. And I don't know why I'm feeling this way. But I'm sensing something is wrong—"

"How can you sense something is wrong? Do some of your powers remain in you?"

He shook his head, "No. It may be because I was a Sprite for so many centuries that I just know if something's off."

Irma nodded her head slowly in understanding. "The other Guardians can handle her, now," she said. Then while still holding his hand, she used her other one and laid it on the side of his face. "I just don't want to end up being in the back of your mind as an afterthought."

That got Jack back into reality. "What? Don't ever say that!" He took his hands and placed them on her shoulders, "You will never be an afterthought! I will never, ever put you there. You will always remain in the forefront of my mind, and be my whole heart," He embraced her, at the same time smashing his lips to hers.

Jack made sure this kiss lasted much longer; when he felt her about to stop and push away, he tightened his grip around her and hardened the kiss.

As the kiss continued, Jack lifted Irma up to lay her flat on the couch, her legs going over the armrest. He was on his knees and elbows.

Because Jack lifted her up, her arms had instinctively gone around his neck to keep herself from falling. Her fingers now were in his hair, gently pulling to arouse him even deeper into their kiss.

As that was happening, Jack couldn't help himself but bring his hands to her waist, his fingers finding patches of bare skin as her shirt rolled up when he laid her down.

Jack's own touches aroused her as well, and he smiled into the kiss. His hands traveled slightly upward to the bottom of her ribcage and remained there, letting her know he wasn't going to continue further without her permission.

Jack felt fingers leave his hair and was replaced by the feeling of his hoodie and shirt being pulled toward his upper body. This action forced him to stop the long intimate kiss as he sat upright on his knees and helped pull them off.

Irma stared at his toned body; he had a six-pack. Her hands traced the lines that formed the muscles. "I knew I wasn't imagining feeling muscles under that blue hoodie of yours."

He laughed, "yep, all muscle. Even though I look like I shouldn't have any."

"Well, they look great on you," she smiled, retracing his abdomen muscles again.

He grinned, "Thank you."

She slid her hands up his body, from his abdomen to the back of his neck. She pulled him down for, yet, another kiss.

This time, Jack laid his body on top of hers, his hands back at her bare waist. He proceeded to lift the shirt over her bra covered breasts.

He stopped, thinking she may not like what he was doing. "If I'm going too far, I'll stop. And I'm not looking to have sex, I promise. I will wait until you're ready."

Irma smiled at him. "Thank you." She gripped the top of his pants, getting a surprised gasp from Jack, and pulled him back down. "I trust you."

He smiled back, and as he was about to continue to remove her shirt, hewas interrupted.

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