Ch. 6 Didn't We Share Something Special?

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After the long and passionate kiss, Jack and Irma left the bedroom hand in hand. Irma leaned against him.

Tooth was at the window and only caught the two walking out the bedroom door holding hands.

She flew to other windows to get more glances and found them in the living room. Tooth made sure they couldn't see her peeking in, as she stood more to the side of the window.

Tooth could see Jack clearly; she saw that there was no Winter Sprite left in him. She also saw him sitting rather close to someone he claimed was only his best friend.

They seemed to be talking, but she couldn't hear what they were saying. And as they were talking, she saw the young woman rub his clothed chest, say something, then Jack holds his hoodie out to look down at it. That's when Tooth noticed that the frost on his blue hoodie was gone.

Jack really was a hundred percent human now.

Tooth really needed to find out what was going on and why Jack was human.

She saw movement from the woman. The woman draped her legs over Jack's and laid her head on his chest. Tooth saw Jack smile and kiss her on the top of the head as he wrapped his arms around her.

Why would Jack lie and say they were only best friends, when in fact they were more than that?

Tooth knew something was going on that shouldn't have been; It had to be the reason why Jack was human, and she needed to help him become a Sprite again.

She flew to the front door and knocked.


Jack really did enjoy this closeness he has been sharing with his long-lost soulmate.

Being on his own and not having any responsibilities was now beyond him, not only since he was a Guardian for three years, but now he had someone to share his life with. It truly felt better than what he thought for so many centuries. He was grateful he got out of that very long and depressing phase.

He held Irma in his arms as she sat partially on his lap. Everything just felt so right like the whole world stopped spinning just for the two of them. And he never wanted to let this feeling go.

Jack put a hand under Irma's chin to look into those beautiful brown eyes of hers, he also wanted to place a tender loving kiss onto those soft pink lips again.

Their lips were about to touch when there was a knock at the door.

The two sighed in annoyance.

"Who is it," Irma asked, still looking into Jack's eyes, her hand resting on his shoulder.

"I need to speak with Jack," the voice answered.

Jack looked over at the door, he knew who that voice belonged to.

Irma got off him, and he walked over to the door and opened it. "Tooth? What are you doing back here," Jack asked curiously?

Tooth gave him a tight embrace.

Jack threw his hands up in surprise. There wasn't any reason for him to be surprised because Tooth always gave him hugs like this, but, this time, he really wasn't expecting any other woman to hug him who wasn't Irma.

"Jack, why are you fully human," Tooth asked, her arms still around his neck?

Before answering, Jack proceeded to unlatch her hands from around him. "I've been flattered by your hugs, but I think it's time you stop." To make sure he wasn't sounding mean, he added, "Not meaning that in a rude way. It's just that, well—" He trailed off, not sure if he should tell her now or wait until all the other Guardians got together.

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