Ch. 9 North Pole Pt. 2

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Jack watched her until she was out of view.

"I was not expecting to see this side of you," North said as the two were now facing each other. "You are different person when around Irma."

Jack smiled, "I guess I am. It's like she's grounding me; putting my soul at ease."

"With her 'round, you will be on nice list in no time."

Jack laughed, "We'll see."

North laughed with him.

"I'm having surprises thrown at me left and right since the night I reunited with Irma," Jack told him, looking toward the library.

"Don't forget eleven years ago," North reminded him. "The true-time you reunited with her."

Jack swiveled his head back around in surprise. "How did you know about that?"

"Tooth told me." As Jack nodded his head slowly in understanding, North said, "Wish I knew why she did not come to this good-bye meeting."

"I know the reason," Jack's demeanor changed.

"Oh?" North's curiosity perked up. He did want to know why Tooth would miss something like this.

"She came by the house yesterday twice: In the middle of the night to first tell me, you found the answer in the Guardian book, then later that same morning Irma and I decided to tell her what was going on because she wasn't understanding why I wanted to be human." Jack placed his hands into his hoodies' pocket and walked only a few steps to his left nervously.


Jack looked to the floor then back up at North. "Tooth kissed me. I kicked her out of the house because of that. She thought that we shared something special since the day I became Guardian, that me and her were supposed to be together and not Irma and I."

"That is cause for concern," North then said. "I will talk to her."

Jack gave a small smile, "Thank you."

"I do hope you have a wonderful life with your true love."

"Oh, I know I will." Jack's face once again brightened by the mention of his love.

North's face beamed with delight as he said, "I know fact I will be dropping presents to your home of future children!"

"Our kids will be looking forward to it." With a smirk, Jack asked, "would they be able to stay up to see you?"

North chuckled, "Maybe once."

"It won't be too long until that happens," Jack announced.

"Oh," he asked, raising his eyebrows?

Jack walked over to a pillar and leaned against it. "Well, since the day we reunited—things have been moving somewhat fast between us." He shrugged, "Not sure why. I mean, it could be this ten-day thing, or it's getting to where we left off all those centuries ago." He put a finger to his lips in thought, "Makes me wonder how far in our relationship we got before I became Jack Frost. I didn't see any memory of Irma and me when I finally found out who I once was."

"Perhaps, Baby Tooth and the others can retrieve both your memory boxes."

Jack smiled widely, "That'll be a great idea. That way, we can understand and know more about each other."

Jack looked up toward the ceiling and called out to the little fairies.

They flew down with curious faces.

Jack went straight to the point, "Can you please bring Irma's and mine's memory boxes?"

One of the fairies tweeted, "why?"

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