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Third Person View-

"Hey look, he's at it again." Minho poked Thomas in the side, pointing out the blonde Brit staring at Y/n who was getting the box of supplies the Med-jacks needed for the next month. She was too busy to notice, like always. 

Thomas rolled his eyes and took another bite of his sandwich. He noticed that Newt only stopped staring when he had to go back to work himself. When they passed each other they each gave a small smile before returning to their work. The Runners could practically see the girl's blush from over here.

"Why can't they just get together already?" He said without bothering to swallow first. Minho shrugged. It was a rhetorical question because they both knew the answer. The girl and their friend were each in love with something else. Work.

It was obvious to everyone else that they like each other, but they were both too busy to notice it themselves. It was almost painful watching Newt's heart-longing stares and Y/n's flirty attempts towards him. And it made Minho and Thomas groan whenever they left the other for their job. 

"Those two need to get together soon or I'm gonna lose it." Thomas exclaimed, tugging on the ends of his hair for a more dramatic effect. When Thomas said that, Minho got an idea.

He turned his head and smirked, hoping Thomas would catch on by the look on his face. "What?" Thomas said with another mouth full of sandwich.

Minho huffed and took Thomas by the shoulder so he could get a good view of his face while he explained his plan.

"If we're so tired of waiting for them, why don't we just give them a...push in the right direction?" When Minho said 'push' he shoved Thomas's shoulder to the side and slowly made sense in Thomas's mind.

He vigorously nodded. "I'm in, at this point I'll do anything to get out of suffering through another one of Y/n's pickup lines." Y/n had been asking Thomas if she could practice some of her pickup lines on him. To get a guy's opinion she claimed. Thomas made the mistake of allowing her to do so once, from then on Y/n would asking and making him listen.

"Great! So here's what I'm thinking..." The Keeper of the Runners explained his plan to Thomas in a hushed voice. They spent the rest of dinner and some of their free time after discussing and perfecting their masterpiece. There was just a few things they needed to do to make this plan happen. 


Thomas stood outside of the Leader's room, nervous he would get yelled at for disturbing him. But this was something that had to be down, for Newt and Y/n. Slowly, Thomas knocked on the wooden door, the hollow sound seemed to echo in the hallway and Thomas immediately retracted his hand, regretting this already. How did he get assigned this part of the plan?

"It's open." A response came from the other side of the wood and Thomas knew that he has just sealed his fate. Hopefully Alby would see how much of a necessity this was and not get too angry and him.

Timidly Thomas opened the door a crack and stuck his head through to look inside the room. He saw Alby sitting at a makeshift desk with a bunch of papers and graphs. "Yes?" He inquired with a raised eyebrow.

Thomas came into the room, shutting the door behind him. He didn't know what to say so instead stood there awkwardly, keeping his eyes on the ground. He didn't have to look up to know Alby's were burrowing into him. 

"Do you need something or did you just come in here to look at my floor?"

Thomas shot his head up and quickly got to the point. "Yeah, I, umm, I need a favor."

Alby placed the papers in his hands and lined them up with the other ones before moving his attention back onto the Runner. "Which is?"

Thomas bit the inside of his cheek, "I need the day off tomorrow," He stopped when he saw Alby roll his eyes; he must have heard this before. "And so does Minho." he finished.

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