Newt & Y/n (R+J)

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A/n: Hey! It's been a while! So sorry for the late updates. I just quickly wanna say what this idea is all about. In my English class, we've been reading Romeo and Juliet and my English teacher keeps telling us that the story line works in almost any setting. And the same concepts are still being used today. I decided to test this theory and made a my own version of Romeo and Juliet....Maze Runner style. Tell me if this horrible..

Also, here's my cast list:





The Capulets-Group B

The Montagues-Group A

The Nurse-Sonya




Abraham-Random Group B

Balthasar-Another Random Group B

I may not add all the character and I may add a few of my own, but for the most part I have the mains. Enjoy!

IMPORTANT NOTE!! Before I start this I just want to clarify that I am in no way trying to insult certain characters by making them act differently than they normally would.This is strictly following Shakespeare's play Romeo & Juliet. For example, I kinda make Frypan and Winston seem like bad guys in this scene, but that is for the story line purposes only and my intentions are not to insult them. I am only pointing out the character's (Sampson and Gregory's) immaturity. I love those two and this is for story line purposes only!! Thank you for understanding

Newt's POV-

(I got this idea from Act 1 Scene 1. Verona. A public place.)

We escaped the maze. That thought continued to run through my head until I could actually grasp the idea. We were out. 

The group of us, well, what was left, followed Janson down many hallways until we entered a big room filled with tables. He stopped us before we could enter. "This is where you will get your meals, but be considerate, you are not the only group the escape a maze so there will be others in there with you."

We had heard there was another group with another maze, but we didn't know much about them and hadn't actually seen them yet. There were rumors though, that they were all girls with the exception of one boy, like us only swapped.

We filed into the room when Janson left, and all got in line for the food that we so desperately needed. Food was piled onto plates and hungry eyes devoured the sight of it before we could even touch it to our mouths. 

Soon I noticed that more and more people gathered into the room. And not only that, they were all girls. I was neutral to them, but I detected some hard stares sent back and forth between the two groups. 

I sat at a table with Minho and Thomas, along with a few other Gladers and we began eating. I watched as Frypan and Winston intently talked to each other, with not-so-subtle glances every now and then towards Group B. I shrugged it off, hoping that they would just leave them alone and eat their food for now.

Frypan and Winston's conversation:

Winston: What do you think of Group B?

Frypan: I don't have a good feeling about them, something is off.

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