Oh kitty

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   "Hey kitty" Chat grinned. He unknowingly waved his tail back and forth.
"Hey purrincess, can I come in?" Marinette rolled her eyes at the stupid pun but let him in anyways. She was doing homework so she walked back to her desk. Chat frowned.
"Does that mean you aren't going to pay any attention to me?" Marinette smiled and spun her chair around to face Chat. She scratched his chin.
"Sorry kitty I got tons of homework to do." Marinette stopped scratching Chat and turned her chair away. Again Chat frowned at the action. He turned around and sat on the bed waiting for her to finish. Marinette opened her desk to grab a pen when she saw Tiki sleeping inside of her desk. She squealed and quickly shut it. Chat immediately stood up.
"Marinette you okay?" concern plastered in his voice.
"Uh yeah I just got a uh paper cut! Yeah a paper cut, man that hurt. Also you didn't call me Princess, that's a first." Chat examined her both of her hands for a paper cut and looked up at her not believing she actually got a paper cut. Marinette realized he caught on and ripped her hands out of his grasp and went back to homework.
"Oh and yeah I called you Marinette, I guess cause I was worry you got hurt it just slipped out of me." Marinette slightly blushed and Chats kind words. Chat started to exam Marinettes room when he saw a poster of him with hearts next to it.
"So purrincess do you have a crush on Adrien Agreste? I mean you do have a picture of him with hearts next to it" Marinette got up from her desk deciding that she could finish it tomorrow and sat next to Chat.
"Hey you want to watch a movie?" she said trying to change the subject. Chat smirked knowing she was embarrassed of the fact that she liked Adrien. But nodded in agreement. Marinette put in a DVD in and sat on her bed close to Chat much to his likings.
"Oh come on 101 Dalmations! You know I am a cat right, I hate dog movies." Marinette giggled. Man I love that laugh. Marinette snuggled up to Chat and played the movie. Chat didn't pay attention to most of the movie because all he was thinking about was the fact that Marinette is snuggling with him.
I wonder if Chat purrs. Marinette looked up at Chat and smiled while moving a hand behind his ear giving it a light scratch. Chat started leaning into the touch meaning he liked it so she didn't stop. Sooner a later a purr escaped his mouth. Marinette smiled while Chat blushed with embarrassment. Oh no! I think i'm falling for Chat Noir too. The movie ended and Chat looked at her. "H-hey princess I know you like Adrien and all but c-can I kiss you?" Marinette was schocked but nodded and leaned forward.
Chat kissed her slowly not wanting to take it too far because it was only their first kiss. But he knew if he didn't pull away now, he was not going to stop. He pulled away blush on both of there faces. "I-I got to go it's getting late, but I hope we can do it again purrincess" She nodded and he pecked her on the cheek before leaving.
She heard his screams of joy all the way across Paris.

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