The fake date

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Sorry for any mistakes! xoxo

Adrien transformed and was now running after his princess. He saw Nathaniel one minute, and in the next he was gone. Chat froze, his heart began to pound with worry. What if he harms her! It's my fault it's all my fault. If Nathaniel lays a finger on him i'll make sure to kill him. Not the time for worry I have to go save her. And with that the black cat jumped and started to look everywhere in the city for Marinette.

Marinette clung on to Nathaniel hoping he wouldn't drop her. A few minutes earlier she had told him that she liked another, which caused his heart to break and an akuma to take over. He was jumping rooftop to rooftop and mumbling "she will love me!" and "I will make her mine." which caused her to shiver in fear. Marinette knew she couldn't transform for obvious reasons, he would find out, and she knew that Nathaniel won't let her go. I have to fix this! When Nathaniel stopped moving she was at the top of the Eiffel tower. He carefully dropped her and Marinette quickly scurried away. He noticed quickly and grabbed her by the waist and pulled her closer. Marinette inwardly cringed but didn't want to make him anymore upset. "Nathaniel look at me. This isn't you. I'm sorry that I don't share the same feelings with you. I really am but we can still be friends. I don't hate you now please, please take me back." Nathaniel stared into her eyes as if he almost understood. But, he didn't listen and kissed her hard. Marinette squeaked and tried to pulling away but Nathaniel pulled her in and forced her to kiss him. When he pulled away she relaxed but it didn't last long. He had moved down and was sucking on her neck. Hickies and bites are being placed onto her neck. Chat was going to freak when he saw this, knowing how possessive he can be with her. That thought scared her more then Nathaniel. She let him continue so he wouldn't get mad and do something worst than this. Then the blunette had and idea.

"Nathaniel let's go on a date." She said confidently. The former red haired boy looked at her and smiled bigger than he has ever smiled. Even in his akuma form she felt bad for doing this. Nathaniel agreed and started drawing candles and other romantic things. She fake smiled and sat down next to him. The date he had picked out was simple enjoying eachother company and looking at the view. She even created fake conversations with him to distract him and act like everything was normal. Though he still was a bit too touchy feely for her comfort. He would kiss her neck a lot and it was very difficult for Marinette not to cringe. She pretended it was all normal and then out of nowhere he grabs both of her hands and looks into her eyes. At this point it was now sunset and close to dark, they have been up their all day. Where was that blonde cat?

"Marinette at one point you will love me as much as I love you. If not I will make you love me." Marinette tensed but he carried on in a more relaxed tone. "But, for now I'm going to win you over that boy that you like, and after that I'll kill him myself." He chuckled darkly, while Marinette thought of Chat. "I have gotten you a gift." Marinette stared at him in shock. A gift? He smiled and pulled out a small black box. Nathaniel opened the box and inside were two small diamond earrings. She stared wide-eyed. How did he get these? I cant where them not since i'm Ladybug. She looked at him and put on an act quickly.

"Wow Nathaniel I love them! Thank you so much!" He leaned over and pressed a kiss on her lips which she shivered at, not liking the feeling.

"Do you want me to put them on for you." She started coughing freaking out. If she took out her earrings her plan would never work. She looked at him again.

"I'll keep mine on for now, but maybe later." This upset Nathaniel and without a second thought he hit Marinette and knocked her out. She laid limp on his lap while he laughed. Nathaniel started stroking her hair. He then took out her earrings and put them in his pocket. He replaced them with the earrings he bought her. He continued to stroke her hair and her neck while he watched her sleep. 30 minutes passed when Nathaniel heard someone land on the rooftop.

Chat had landed on the top of the tower and was glaring daggers at Nathaniel. The whole day was spent of him looking around Paris for her. He detransformed multiple times because he was having a panic attack, which Plagg had to become mom mode and calm him down. He would panic and think that Marinette was dead, Nathaniel had raped her, or had hurt her really bad. Plagg had scold him a bit for thinking doubtfully. The kid worried to much, and worrying would not help at all in this situation. When he arrived at the top of the tower and saw Marinette limp in Nathaniel lap his heart stopped. Did he... Did he kill her? Chat went wide-eyed.

"Princess!" He sprinted over to her and grabbed her away from Nathaniel. He held her bridal style and pulled her close to his chest in a protective way. Chat looked down at her with fear, but she was breathing which made him relax a bit. He pressed her forehead against his. "I'm so glad your okay. Everything is going to be okay, I promise" He whispered to her sleeping body. He noticed all the marks on her neck and growled. Not the time. That was a problem for later. The cat kissed her forehead and turned back to Nathaniel. He watched the whole scene and was in utter shock.

"You are the man that she likes? You over me!" He shouted at Chat who wasn't even listening to him. He was looking at Marinette who was waking up. Her eyes fluttered open and was met with his green ones.

"Kitty?" She reached out and touched his cheek which he happily nuzzled into.

"I'm here beautiful." She blushed at his flirty comment but then jumped out his arms.

"Where is Nathaniel!?" She looked around for the boy and saw him standing a couple feet away. She tensed and awkwardly waved at him like nothing happened. The boy laughed at her awkwardness and waved back. He started walking over to them, most likely to take her back. Chat stepped in front of Marinette and grabbed her waist standing protectively in front of her. He knew she could defend herself but he wouldn't risk it. Before either of them could process it Nathaniel was behind them and held a knife to Chats throat.

"Don't you move." He whispered into Chats ear. Chat complied, while Marinette scrambled away from the two boys.

"Nathaniel, this isn't you, let him go. Chat did nothing wrong. You want me? Let him go and I'll go with you" Marinette said confidently.

"No you won't. Don't even try anything Marinette." The cat growled out trying to at least scare her enough so she wouldn't put herself on the line. He wasn't successful in the act though. Marinette looked at him smiled softly and then back to Nathaniel.

"So do we have a deal?" Nathaniel thought about it. While Chat was panicking, he couldn't let Marinette go with him? Never in a million years will he allow that. But his worried thoughts clouded his mind and he couldn't think straight to figure out a plan.

"No we do not! Lay a finger on her and your dead!" Marinette was shocked to say the least. Her partner had never threatened anyone with death. She didn't like hearing it.

"How about I kill the cat and you come with me
anyways?" Marinette took multiple steps back so she was on the edge of the tower. One more step back and she would fall.

"Then I'll jump." Marinette looked at eyes that said "trust me" and Chat did. He knew that she was turn into ladybug and everything would be okay. Still the idea of watching her fall basically to her death, Chat didn't like the sound of. He squirmed a little bit behind the knife.

"Your bluffing." Nathaniel states with a bored tone. And then Marinettes plan went into action. She winked at Chat before "tripping" and falling off the tower.

"No!" Nathaniel screamed but while he was distracted Chat hit him hard enough to knock him out. When he fell on the floor he noticed black earrings fall out of the boys pocket. The same earrings that turn Marinette into Ladybug,and if she doesn't have them...... Chat stared wide eyed grabbed the earrings and was sprinting off the tower.  She must not have noticed when Nathaniel took them out! This is bad, very bad! He heard a scream when she realized that she didn't have earrings and was now falling to her death. He jumped after her but she was too far, she was going to hit the ground, he wasn't going to save her, oh please let this nightmare be over. With tears in his eyes he let out a painful shout.

"NO!" They were both falling and both crying. He saw her mouth a "I love you" before closing her eyes and accepting her fate. Chat let out another painful cry. A couple hundred feet and she would hit the ground.

Wow i'm evil. SPOILER: Marinette does not die! But that's for next chapter :). I'll be posting the next chapter as quickly as I can! xoxo

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