His weak spot

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  2 Chapters in a week! Also this chapter is longer than most so be ready. Stuff happens ;). (not smut sadly to all your perverts) actually it's kinda like smut in a way? nvm you'll see enjoy! xoxo

A few minutes after Adrien and Marinette shared the passionate kiss Nathaniel came back from the restroom. It was getting dark so they all decided to go their separate ways to get home. Marinette hugged both of them and said goodbye while the boys awkwardly waved at eachother. She was happy again, Adrien was right her and Chat weren't technically dating so they were free to kiss whoever they wanted. Though,as much as she wished to date Chat she sighed knowing that he loved her Ladybug side, her confident and intelligent side rather than he sweet and clumsy side. Marinette wanted to see him again, she missed him.
Adrien had the same thought. Though he just saw her, it's different when he's Chat. He feels like himself finally. Adrien was exicted at the thought of revealing who he was to her so he can act like his regular self, without being Chat. On his walk home he was daydreaming about the thought of him in his civilian form and Marinette dating. He imagined himself walking her to school everyday, holding her hand in class, and having Marinette all to himself. Nathaniel needs to keep his filthy paws off her. Once he reached home he waited about twenty minutes until he was sure she was home. With a grumble from Plagg he transformed into Chat Noir and jumped his way to Marinettes house. He arrived and heard the familiar humming from below him. Knocking on the door he waited for her to open it up for him. The humming stopped when she heard the door and she bolted up and opened the hatch for him. She smiled brightly at Chat.

  "Kitty!!" She exclaimed and jumped on him for a hug. He immediately hugged her back, loving the way she felt in his arms. Her back stung a little bit from the jump but she tried her best to ignore it. Chat noticed easily.

"Princess your back is still wounded! You got to take it easy. Do you want me to lick your wounds again?" Marinettes faced turned red.

  "N-No! That's okay i'm fine I promise." She smiled to reassure him. He simply nodded and walked passed her to look at her new design she was working on. It was Chat Noir themed. The design was a simple cropped t-shirt with a green paw print on it, matched with a green short skirt. It also has ears and a bell collar. Chat blushed at the design and imagined Marinette wearing it. He would love to see that.
"Princess, this design is pawsome!" Marinette rolled her eyes at the stupid pun but then quickly smiled.
"Thanks! I'm planning on making it next week I just have to fix a few things." She then yawned stretched. "I'm going to be reading for a bit if you want to come lay with me. Chat quickly nodded and picked her up bridal style and ran to the bed. She giggled at the sudden excitement. He sad down and pulled her onto his lap. She grabbed the book "The Fault in Our Stars" and set it down onto her lap before turning to him.
"If you want pets then we are going to find a different position." Chat questioned if for a second having her lay on top of me or pets? Pets were definitely better. "Here, just lean your head on my chest." Chat nodded slightly blushing that he was about to lay his head on her chest. They quickly got in the right position and Marinette slowly started running her fingers through his hair and playing with his cat ears. She continued to read and he started purring and nuzzling into her chest.

"You really are just like a real cat. Are you like this in your civilian form?" Marinette questioned and stopped running her hands through his hair so he would stop purring enough for him to speak.
"Well kinda, but not nearly as much. I still purr, which is just a side effect from Plagg but the pets don't feel the same without my ears. Don't get me wrong they are definitely still amazing but it's just the best when I have my actual cat ears on." She nodded at his explanation and quickly went back to petting his hair and ears. Marinette used her one hand to turn the page and continued her book.
And that's when it happened. A few minutes went by when Marinette touched a certain sensitive part on his lower left cat ear. She heard his breathing stop. Brushing her finger over the spot lightly again she heard him breathe in a wiff of air with his teeth clenched. What is she doing? Why am I reacting like this? Why does that spot feel just so amazing. He was quickly cut off from his thoughts when she touched the spot a little bit harder. His eyes rolled back. Marinette was highly confused at this point, he never acted like this when she touched his ears. A little curious she brushed over the spot again adding a little more pressure. A quiet moan slipped through his mouth. Did he just moan?!      Did I just moan ?! They were both confused but neither of them decided to speak up. That spots she is touching it's just so... so nice. Marinette this time focused her full attention on the ear. She then put more pressure on the spot than last time and he couldn't stop it. He moaned. Loudly. Chat jumped out of the bed and scrambled across the room. Both of them were red, blushing like crazy.
"Chat, w-what was that?" Marinette spoke up. Chat looked down in pure embarrassment.
"I have no idea. That has never happened before. When you touched that spot on my lower ear it just felt amazing, like I couldn't breathe. I guess it's just a sensitive part. J-Just don't touch it again." But Marinette has different ideas.
"So... A sensitive part huh?" Marinette smirked. She started creeping her way toward him and he started backing away. No. No! This can't be happening. Marinette is going to hear me moan again. That is so embarrassing. I have to stop her. Chat backed up to much and hit the wall and Marinette was extremely close to him.
"Marinette no-nggghhhh" But it was to late. She had already had the spot memorized and was digging her fingers into it. Chat moaned loudly once again. Her parents were gone for a baking trip for the night so it wasn't like anyone could here him. Marinette didnt stop she continued to hit that spot with her nails. To much. To much. I cant. Breathe. Chat needed something to grab onto, anything. He saw her chair and quickly grabbed onto it and gripped as hard as he could. He couldn't fight Marinette off, he was to weak at this point. He let out another loud moan and his eyes rolled back. "Princess nghnn too nghh much. Sto-ahhhhh" Marinette heard the sentence loud and clear but ignored it. His legs gave out the feeling was too good. He fell to his knees in front of Marinette. He clenched his jaw to stop from moaning. And then Marinette stopped. She fell to her knees in front of Chat. He leaned his head onto her shoulder. Panting. His whole body felt weak. A bead of sweat dripped down his face. Marinettes thumb ran in comforting movements around his cheek. A few minutes went by when Chat lifted his head from her shoulder, still panting. He made eye contact with her and using all the strength left in his arms to cup her face.
"You" pant "Are never" pant "Doing that ever again" He dropped his arms and leaned his head back on her shoulder. Marinette continued to draw circler motions of his face in comfort.
"Who knew even one of the strongest super hero has such a strong weakness" I guess Marinette went a little overboard on the scratching, next time she wouldn't do it so much that it made him collapse. She felt him shake his head no and he continued to nuzzle into her neck. Arms still dropped at his side and legs shaking a bit. Though from his moans she knew that he enjoyed it. This little new ear thing will definitely come in handy later. Marinette thought with a small smirk.
A bright green light filled the room and Marinette knew he had detransformed. Without looking at him she quickly grabbed the black hand made mask from her desk and handed it to him. She noticed the scratch marks from him gripping onto the chair and frowned. She had to get a new chair now. With his head still on her shoulder she watched as he struggled to put on the mask, his arms shook. I didn't know it made him that weak. She knew it was her fault so, she tied the knot around his head so the mask was securely on. Chat knew there was a chance he would be sleeping over so he had his pajamas already on. His breathing had gone back to normal finally. She totally forgot about one thing Plagg. Did he feel this? She looked over at Chats shoulder and saw the small cat taking deep breathes. He looked over at her and smiled a weak looking smile.

  "I-I remember when Tiki used to do that to me all the time. Pleasure and torcher at the same time. One of our only weaknesses.You get used to it kid." And then the small cat passed out on his shoulder. Get used to it? How am I supposed to get used to this! I feel so weak. Marinette grabbed the sleeping cat and placed him in her hair, she then turned to the blonde still leaning on her shoulder. With all her strength she picked him up and leaned him arm over her shoulder. They slowly walked to the bed. Marinette placed Chat on the bed and pulled the blankets up for him. She then placed the small kitten on his mini bed she made for him a couple days ago. Marinette crawled next to the blonde.
"Princess." Chat mumbled. Marinette hummed in response. "I have never felt so powerless in my entire life. N-Next time not so much, I hate feeling so weak when i'm with you.Who knew the love of my life is also my greatest villain?" Chat then passed out. Marinette blushed hard.
Chat Noir and Plagg were so in a treat with Marinette with them.

WoAh. Poor Chat having to deal with the ear thing. Marinette turned a little evil there in this chapter. I'm going to be honest with you, it was kinda fun writing extremely weak Chat. So should I write more about Chats "weakness"? I don't know I kinda enjoyed it. Welp see ya later guys! Hope you enjoy this chapter. xoxo, Author

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