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Sorry guys I haven't updated in awhile. I kinda got bored with the story but I decided to right again. Chat gets a little bold in this chapter ;). Anyways sorry for any mistakes!

Marinette opened the door and Chat poked his head in. "Mind if I join you?" She chuckled and nodded. He jumped down from the balcony and sat on her bed, noticing the limp Marinette has when she walked. Chat growled looking at her back. Marinette turned around to face Chat with a confused look. Did he just... growl at me? Chat walked towards her.

"Take off your shirt" He hissed out obviously angry at something. Marinette turned red.

"N-no Chat why would you ask me to do that?" She asked. Chat sighed.

"Your hurt Marinette please let me see you wounds" How did he know i was hurt? Was it that obvious? Marinette looked down but then started to take her shirt off. Her black bra showed causing both her and Chat to blush. She turned around so Chat could see. Purples and yellow bruises have started forming. Again Chat growled.

"I fell down the stairs that's all I am fine Chat i promise!" She stammered. Chat just nodded knowing that she was lying, but didn't say anything. He was tracing his hand up and down her back and arms, slowly so it didn't hurt her. Then all of the sudden he leaned over and licked her bruise. Marinette yelped and jumped away from Chat. Chat turned red but then quickly started explaining.

"Sorry! I should have warned you. I promise I didn't mean it in a weird way. It's just Plagg told me I-I can heal wounds with my tongue. I know I know it's weird but please Princess I cant bare to see you in any pain!" Marinette was hesitant at first but then slowly nodded. Cmon Marinette it isn't that weird. Chats just worried about you, just let him lick your wounds. She took a deep breath and then walked over to Chat. He was sitting on the floor quickly but carefully grabbed Marinette and pulled her onto his lap, her back facing him. Chat again started licking her wounds. Gosh this is weird, but I kinda am enjoying having Marinette pressed up against me. Plus I kinda like licking her. Wait what? Chat blushes at the thought. But continued "cleaning" her wounds. Once he was finished he laid he head into the crook of her neck.

"Princess don't scare me like that." Marinette blushed but nodded reaching her hand back to scratch his ears.

"Chat don't be such a worry wort. I promise you i'm alright my kitty." Chat leaned into her touch and purred. My kitty I like the sound of that. Chat turned Marinette over to look at her beautiful face. He then kissed her passionately. She was suprised at the action. He usually asks for permission, but i'm fine with this too. She kissed back. He then moved from her lips to her chin all the way to her neck and continued moving down. Marinette jumped pain rushing up her back. He accidentally kissed one of her wounds. He quickly pulled back and flattened his ears.

"Princess! Oh my gosh i'm so sorry did I hurt you? Oh i'm so stupid, I was so into the moment." The feeling of pain was already gone for Marinette. She started giggling at him.

"Chat you got to stop worrying! I am all right!" Chat relaxed a bit but still felt horrible. He then picked her up bridal style and laid her on her bed.

"Okay i'll relax. But i'm not kissing you until you're all healed. I'm not risking you getting hurt again." He stood up grabbed the cloth mask from the table and went into the bathroom to change back. He kept the door cracked so Plagg quickly flew out of the bathroom to talk with Marinette.

"Hello my Queen" Plagg bowed in air. Marinette giggled at the nickname. My lady, Princess, and now my Queen. These two with their nicknames! Plagg flew into her hands.

" You're going to have to excuse some of the kids cat like instincts, he gets them from me. He purrs, growls, hisses, shows emotions by his ears, can clean wounds as you can tell, he has night vision and better hearing, has quick reflects, and in the future or maybe starting now the kid might be territorial or possessive you can call it. So sorry Mari if he acts weird like that , that's my fault." Plagg flattened his ears and whined. Chat was listening behind the door. He's just going to act like he's upset and caring so Marinette will scratch him again. Way to play dirty Plagg. Marinette fell for the trick and started scratching him while Plagg smirked at Adrien and started purring.

"Aww it's alright Plagg it isn't your fault you can't control you cat like qualities. Besides I like Chats cat like instincts I think they are cute." She gushed. Chat started blushing from behind the door. He then walked out and laid next to Marinette.

"Is it alright if I stay the night Princess? I promise I won't do anything bad especially since you are hurt." Chat whispered in her ear. She nodded and put Plagg in her hair. She started to cuddle with Chat and laid her head on his chest. Tiki flew over and also landed in her hair. Chat light purrs helped her fall asleep that night.

When Chat knew she was asleep she whispered to her, "Goodnight Princess, i'm sorry that I caused you pain today. Please heal quickly. I love you." And with that Chat closed his eyes.

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