2 kisses in one day

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Marinette ran to the bathroom to transform and so did Adrien. They both jumped onto the school rooftop "Hello My lady, pleasure seeing you here." Ladybug rolled her eyes before swinging off the rooftop.

"I AM ROCKMAN, (Authors note: wth is that name? I have no idea just go with it) IM HERE TO DESTROY THE CITY LIKE THE GIRL I LOVED DESTROYED MY HEART" He picks up a girl and throws her. Ladybug quick on her feet dives after the girl, and catches her just in time. Setting her gently onto the floor.

"Got any ideas kitty, where the akuma is?" Chat looked at the monster. Noticing he has a bracelet with the letter K on it. The girl who broke his heart probably gave that to him.

"It's in the bracelet!" Ladybug looked at the monster before swinging closer to it. (Authors note: I don't like writing fight scenes so i'm just going to skip it sorry! xoxo)

"Pound it!" both the superhero's exclaimed.

"Alright Chat I got to go back to class see you later!" She jumped off the building. Ladybug ran back into the bathroom and detranformed, handing a cookie to Tiki. Tiki smiled before flying back into her bag.

She ran back into the classroom. "Girl, where were you? You missed all of the action!" Alya asked while putting her camera away.Marinette started panicking.

"I uh- I was" she froze. "Taking me to the nurses office, my head really hurts" Adrien finished for her. Marinette relaxed and smiled at Adrien mouthing him a "Thank you". He winked back.

Class went back to normal. After school Nathaniel walked up to her and grabbed her hand. Marinette didn't want to say anything so she allowed him to hold her hand. Why is she letting him touch her like that, that should be me not tomato head. Adrien face turned red, jealous rage took over him, but quickly walked to his limo to calm down. Nathaniel continued holding Marinettes hand and he walked with her to get ice cream.

They ate their ice cream and had small talk about school and other things. When suddenly Nathaniel started getting nervous looking. Marinette was about to ask what was wrong but he spoke."Hey Marinette I've been meaning to tell you something" Marinette nodded for him to continue. "I-I sorta have had a crush on you for a really long time. I mean who wouldn't your smart, cute, beautiful, nice, and funny!" Marinette didn't know what to say. "Hey, it's okay if you don't want to say anything I understand, but I just have to do something" Marinette nodded. Before she could react Nathaniel pressed his lips on hers. She froze. Oh no first with Chat now with Nathaniel this is bad! He pulled away. Marinette just froze and then smiled at him. Before turing away to eat her ice cream. She was bad at these sorta things. Nathaniels phone rung. He stepped away and answered it. Before he came back Marinette grabbed her bag and whispered to Tiki.

"Oh no Tiki! Nathaniel kissed me and I didn't even stop him! I know me and Chat aren't dating or anything but I feel so bad. And to make it even worst I don't have the same feelings for Nathaniel I don't want to lead him on. I got to tell him." Nathaniel started walking back. Marinette quickly prepared a speech for him, gently letting him down and trying to not to hurt his feelings, but before she could say anything Nathaniel spoke.

"Hey I got to go Marinette. Today was fun we should do it again some time!" He smiled.

"Y-yeah we should! Thanks Nath for taking me out to ice cream" What the heck is wrong with me! I totally said we should hangout again. Oh no what if he kisses me again. He nodded his head and waved goodbye before turning away and walking home.
Marinette sat there finishing her ice cream. Every now and then giving Tiki a bite.

10 Minutes Earlier:

"Plagg I'm going to go check on them, just in case Nathaniel gets any fun ideas about my princess" Plagg looked at him like Adrien was crazy.

"You mean spy on them?"

"No of course not just check on them" Plagg rolled his eyes but agreed. Adrien changed and started walking to the ice cream stand. Passing Nathaniel who had a smirk on his face like he just won a prize. Hm I wonder what got him in a good mood. Wait if Nathaniel is gone this is my chance to talk with Marinette alone! Adrien picked up his walking pace.
Present Time:

Is that Adrien walking towards me? Oh my gosh it is Adrien! Adrien smiled and waved and Marinette before sitting next to her. "Hey Mari, why are you here by yourself?" Did he just call me Mari oh my gosh i'm going to faint.

"Uh yeah, I was just eating ice cream with Nathaniel before he left 10 minutes ago and i'm just finishing it by myself while thinking about some things." Adrien   smiled.

"Well can I sit here with you?"

"Y-yeah sure!" They started making small talk and laughing and easily getting along. Before Adrien paused. "Hey Marinette I got to tell you something" This sounds what Nathaniel said to me before telling me he likes me. No way Adrien Agreste doesn't like me that's impossible. Marinette smiled. Adrien took a deep breathe and continued "Well I like you. I've liked you for the past couple of months and I have been scared to tell you. So yeah feels good to get that off my chest" Marinette cheeks turned red and smiled so hard. Adrien started leaning in and then kissed her. Fireworks were going on in the back of both of their heads. This is so much better than Nathaniels. I can finally die in peace knowing that me and Adrien Agreste kissed. Adrien pulled back for air and smiled. Before receiving a phone call. He walked away to answer it. Oh no I totally forgot I have modeling now. Natalies going to kill me! Marinette turned around to check if he was looking before grabbing her bag.

"TIKI! Adrien kissed me, he kissed me! Oh my gosh that was the best kiss I have ever had. This and Chats." She paused for a second "OH NO TIKI. I kissed 3 different boys in the last 24 hours. What am I going to do!" Tiki just laughed and the poor girl. Adrien turned around and started walking back.

"Uh sorry Marinette I have to go. I have modeling right now. Can we do this again some time?"

"Y-yeah sure that's sound amazing" Adrien waved before walking away.

"Oh Tiki what am I going to do?" Tiki shook her head.

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