The Univited Guest

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Sorry for the long wait! Enjoy! xoxo

  Leaping over buildings, Chat Noir was sprinting to his princesses house to apologize. When he arrived though something was different, he didn't hear her usual humming while she designed her dresses nor her familiar light foot steps as she walked around the room. Chat knocked on the balcony door and waiting. Silence. He then slowly opened up the door just to peak inside, only to find an empty room with no sign of Marinette. Don't freak out. Don't freak out. Relax, Plagg always makes fun of me when I worry about her.Where could she be though? She better not have opened her wound again.  Chat shut the door and decided to go look for her. When he finally found her the cat froze. She was with Nathaniel. They were holding hands and it looked like they were on their way to get ice cream again. Chat growled. There is nothing he could do as Chat since she was currently upset with him, so he decided he was going to change back to his civilian form. Chat quickly went into an ally way and detranformed. Ignoring Plagg laughs at him for being "jealous" or "possessive". Chat, well I guess Adrien now looked at his clothes and brushed them off before walking towards Marinette. He heard her giggles and it only made him more mad. Nathaniel looked like a blushing mess. Adrien quickly walked forward and pulled eachothers hand apart and replaced it with both of his own. He cringed at the feeling of Nathaniels hand but if this was the only way to separate the two then it had to be done.

"Hey Marinette!" He smiled brightly at her and then slowly looked over at Nathaniel, who was obviously upset their "date" was ruined. "Hey Nathaniel". He said less cheerfully.

  "A-Adrien! What are you doing here?" Nathaniel removed his hand from Adrien grasp muttering something on the likes of "stupid model" which Adrien just ignored. He flashed Marinette a big smile and spoke.

"Well I saw you two hanging around and I thought why not go see my two favorite people". It wasn't a total lie, Marinette was definitely his favorite person but Nathaniel not so much. Marinette smiled and blushed a little at his words which was easily noticed by Adrien. He found it adorable every time she blushed.

  "O-Oh well me and Nathaniel are getting ice cream if you want to join us." Nathaniel frowned and glared at Adrien. Adrien ignored him and smiled widely at Marinette.
"How kind of you! I would love to join you guys." Adrien said cheerfully. The trio continued walking to the ice cream stand while the two boys continued to fight over Marinettes attention. She didn't seem to notice.
"Marinette you look really pretty in that dress!" Nathaniel says. Adrien glared at him, holding back a growl. Marinette turned red and looked down. Wait I just want to try something....just this once. Tiki is so going to make fun of me for this. Marinette looked back up at Nathaniel with a flirtatious smile and dropped Adriens hand. Adrien frowned at the action, but his mood changed from sadness to fury quickly. Marinette walked extremely close to Nathaniel and leaned her head towards his face running her finger from his chest to his jaw. She leaned forward and with the sudden courage she whispered in his ear.

"You really think so, kitten?" Nathaniel turned as red as his hair and couldn't even talk. He was in total shock of what had happened just now. Marinette then backed away and if nothing has happened and then grabbed both of the boys hands and pulled them to the ice cream stand. Jealousy pulled at Adrien but he tried to ignore it. He then offered to buy Marinette ice cream but she refused. They all bought their ice cream and looked for a spot to sit. Marinette got mint, Adrien got chocolate, and Nathaniel got vanilla. The trio then sat down on the bench with Marinette in the middle. Neither of the boys wanted to sit next to eachother. A couple minutes later Nathaniel left to go to the restroom. Adrien and Marinette made small talk before Marinette looked up at Adriens hair, then looked down at her hands. A blush slowly crawled up her face.

  "Hey Adrien.... kinda weird question but can I touch your hair? I mean you don't have to let me! I just it looks so soft and I don't know I just want to feel it. Oh my gosh I'm sorry that's so weird I'll just stop." She was mumbling and talking quick out of pure embarrassment. Adrien chuckled before grabbing her hand and moving it slowly to his hair. She then started to scratch his head, almost as if he was a cat. It took all of his might not to purr out in front of her. Instead he just leaned into the touch not wanting it to stop. He liked the attention Marinette was giving him it made him feel, well loved. He has never felt loved ever since his mom passed.
"Wow, you are just like my kitty, he loves to be pet too." Adrien knew she was talking about Chat but didn't say anything. She quickly pulled away her hand from his head and Adrien wanted to whine but the look on Marinettes face made him hold back. She looked sad.

"That stupid cat." Marinette mumbled under her breath but Adrien heard it. If he had his cat ears they would surely be pressed flat against his head in sadness. He didn't want Marinette to hate him.

"Hey Adrien, I kinda have a problem and Ayla isn't here to talk about it so can I talk to you about some girl problems?" Adrien slowly nodded. I swear if she talks about periods I am definitely screwed. Marinette took a deep breathe then turned to him.

"So hypothetically if you liked this girl and you think she likes you back what would you do if you saw her kissing someone else?" Adrien knew it wasn't hypothetical and that she was talking about herself.

"Well depends if we are dating, did she say ever say that she wouldn't kiss anyone." Marinette frowned.

"N-No we, I mean you and this girl never really made it clear. I mean I guess you are right he- I mean, she never did say anything about not kissing someone." The corner of Adriens mouth went up.

"So Marinette I got a feeling this isn't hypothetical." Marinette opened her mouth to defend herself but Adrien just shushed her. "How about to make the field even for the two of you, you can kiss me. I mean it's only fair since he kissed someone else." Marinette cocked her head to the side slightly confused but then agreed. I mean he does have a point. She slowly leaned in and pressed her lips onto his. Adrien relaxed, how he missed this. He cupped her face to deepen the kiss and Marinette wrapped her arms around his neck. Marinettes phones buzzed which caused her to pull away. Adrien definitely wanted to throw the phone in the lake for interrupting their moment but he kept his cool.
Why did Adrien decide to kiss her? Maybe it was because he missed the feeling of her lips. Maybe it was to make her feel better. Maybe it was both.

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