S♥h♥o♥w♥ a♥n♥d♥ T♥e♥l♥l♥

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As me and Crybaby made our way to third grade we stopped at the door and went in. The teacher, Ms. Penelope gave us a cheer creepy smile but didn't say anything . I looked around the room, "All these innocent kids, brainwashed by these people" You thought. We both turned into puppets, Crybaby with pale skin and pink and black hair and you with your h/c and s/c. The students were screaming and crazy as the teacher plays with us puppets. "They pull me by hair, so I don't go nowhere" I said while getting my hair pulled by Crybaby. " Tell me you love, but you treat me like I'm never there" Crybaby states while jumping around. Ms. Penelope smiles creepily and giggles at us. Students start to pull out cameras and take pictures while we try to hide our  faces from the shining light.  Even one girl in the front row threw a paper at me. " That girl" I thought. Then this is things start to get crazy, the students start to destroy their desk and starts to yell at us. Soon enough, all the students started to run up to us trying to grab us. The show ends and both me and Crybaby get thrown to the ground. "Ewwwww!" All the students say before going back to their seats. We were both broken, I had black eye and Crybaby had a bloody nose. The nurses came and took us to the office...

S♥h♥o♥w♥ a♥n♥d♥ T♥e♥l♥l♥ i♥s♥ n♥o♥w♥ d♥o♥n♥e♥ f♥o♥r♥ y♥o♥u♥ a♥m♥a♥z♥i♥n♥g♥ T♥e♥a♥ l♥o♥v♥e♥r♥s♥! I♥m♥ g♥p♥i♥n♥g♥ t♥o♥ o♥n♥e♥ l♥a♥s♥t♥ c♥h♥a♥p♥t♥e♥r♥ a♥n♥d♥ p♥r♥o♥b♥a♥l♥y♥ d♥o♥i♥n♥g♥ t♥w♥o♥ m♥o♥r♥e♥ t♥w♥o♥m♥m♥o♥r♥w♥!😴✌🏽  b♥t♥w♥~I♥k♥ i♥t♥ w♥a♥s♥ a♥ s♥h♥o♥r♥t♥ c♥h♥a♥p♥t♥e♥r♥ b♥e♥c♥a♥u♥s♥e♥ i♥ p♥r♥o♥l♥l♥y♥ d♥i♥d♥n♥t♥ a♥d♥d♥ p♥a♥r♥t♥s♥ o♥r♥ e♥i♥t♥h♥e♥r♥ t♥h♥e♥ m♥u♥s♥i♥c♥ v♥i♥de♥o♥

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