chapter 14

69 4 13

Yoongi POV

I'm excited to see everyone. I called the guys yesterday, and they're definitely coming to see me. Mum is hoping to come as well. I miss her.

I watch Sera and _____ at breakfast. Sera is practically high on happiness, while ______, she seems defeated. I want to ask her what's wrong, but I don't know if she would welcome that. I don't know if she will want me to invade in on her feelings more than I already have to during our joint sessions. Something about her today is telling me and everyone else to just back off.

I can see her building her walls, to keep everyone out. She is withdrawing into herself. I don't want her to do that. Why can't she love herself? Why does she try to hide away? She doesn't need to run away from anyone. She's beautiful, and she shines in a way I haven't seen before. She makes the room brighter, she makes everyone else more... alive.

There's a tinkling sound, and then a small rush of people. I know it's not going to be for me, because I can't see the guys being quiet at all. Ever.

I look around and watch as people are embraced. There's a bit of grumbling from some people. Because they are still waiting on their families or friends to arrive. A squeal catches my attention and I watch as Sera is scooped up into a huge hug, by who I assume are her family. There's a younger girl that attaches herself to Sera's arm. Like she is scared that if she lets Sera go, she will lose her forever.

I glance over at ______. She's watching the room, no smile on her face. I want her to smile. I want her to be happy. She deserves to be happy.

I wonder what she's thinking about. If she's nervous to see her family. If some of her friends will show up... but I don't know. I think she only had the one, or at least that's the only one I have heard her speak of. I don't understand why people don't flock to her. She has more presence than me. Or any of the guys. Everyone here is drawn to her. Everyone here wants to be her friend.

But then, I also understand her desire to pull away from them, she isn't stupid. She knows what most of them say about her behind her back. Some days it seems like these people are actually in high school with how pathetic they act.

There's a rush of people coming in now. It's nice to see people connect with each other. It's nice to see love displayed. Especially in a place like this.

My eyes flick again to ______. She's talking to Sera's family. But she doesn't look comfortable. She looks awkward. Like she wants to run.

I want to help her. To shield her from anything that could hurt her. But... why do I feel like this? Why do I want to protect her? What is it about her that makes me want to be better?


I turn my head in time to be bowled over by Jungkook. Jesus Christ, someone needs to stay away from the gym.

The other guys all pile on top. I'm getting squashed. They're all talking at once, so I can't catch much of what they're saying. Not that it really matters, they will calm down soon. I hope. Fuck. Can't breathe.

"Get off me before I kill you all." I growl at them.

I can hear people in the room laughing at their antics. I guarantee some people have their phones out trying to record this.

"Can't fucking breathe. Get the fuck off!"

Slowly the guys get up. Kookie pulling me up along with himself. He pulls me in for a hug before passing me along the line.

I can't help but look over at _______. She's watching us. I want her to meet the guys. But, she doesn't look like she wants any contact with anyone.

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