chapter 24

44 3 0

Yoongi POV

I run my hands down my black slacks. My hands are sweaty, I feel sweaty even though I had a shower 20 minutes ago.

It's time for our date, and I am nervous. I had to get some strings pulled by PD-nim, so we could have some uninterrupted time.

Especially since under no circumstances was I able to bust ______ out for a night on the town. So we compromised. I get a few uninterrupted hours with her, and we don't leave the building.

I don't know why I am so nervous about this. What is it about her that brings me to my knees? That pulls at my heart, and makes me want to be a better person? What does she have, that I have never found in anyone else before?

PD-nim managed to secure one of the conference rooms for us. And the guys came in today and set everything up. I wasn't allowed near the place.

So what we're doing tonight will be just as much of a surprise to me as it is to ______.

I look at the small bouquet of flowers I ordered to give her. Six red and white roses.  Hopefully she likes them, and I don't make a complete fool of myself.

I look at myself in the mirror, fixing the strands of hair, trying to get them to sit correctly. Trying to pull off the "I haven't spent the past twenty minutes fixing my hair" even though I have. Absolutely, completely have.

I take in my outfit, the slight shine to the white silk shirt. The black slacks encasing my legs, and the black dress shoes on my feet.

Am I too dressed up? Is this too much for a date? Oh God. What if she's still in the hospital scrubs and I rock up wearing this? Jesus. Breathe Yoongi, fucking breathe!

Everything is going to be fine. Even if she is still in the scrubs, she is still going to be the most beautiful girl I have ever laid my eyes on. Inside and out.

She will still want to be on a date with me. She wont hide in her room and refuse to come out. She wont... will she?

I can't help but bite at the skin around my nails in nervousness. God. I can't remember the last time I had a date.

Well. A date that wasn't with the guys.

My phone vibrates on the bedside table. I look at the name flashing up.


Of course it would be him calling. I scoop the phone up before it vibrates to the edge and falls. Swiping my finger across to accept the call, my hand is already raising it to my ear.


Then it's just noise. My ears a filled with a cacophony of sounds, as all the guys try to "helpfully" offer me advice.

I let out a low laugh, as my shoulders stop hunching, relaxation coursing throughout my body now.

"Yah! One at a time!" I yell down the line.

And then slowly, they lay out their instructions. They tell me what they have planned.

I can't help but let a smile break across my face as I think about the effort they have gone to for me.

To make me happy, to make the girl I like happy.

They tell me about every staff member that showed up to help. With lights, food, music, furniture. Everything.

I can't believe I have people like this in my life. I can't believe that so many people want to see me happy.

I can't believe I have them.

And hopefully... I can have ______ as well.


I rap my knuckles against ______'s room door. It's quiet in there. God I hope she's in there. What if she's waiting for me in the common room. Or what if she's up at the rooftop.

Ah. Fuck. What if she's changed her mind? What if she doesn't want to go on this date with me. What if-

The door swings open, putting a stop to all the thoughts running through my mind. My fingers tighten on the flowers in my hand as I raise my eyes from her feet to her face.

The guys never told me they had organized a complete and total makeover for her.

My mouth dries as I take her in. My eyes widen. She looks like some kind of goddess and I am ready to worship at her feet.

Her black heeled boot's give her a small height boost, while also slimming her already long legs. The lace black skirt of her dress swirls loosely around her thighs clinching at her waist.

The bodice clings to her shape like a second skin. The lace showing small flashes of her skin. Tempting and teasing me. Her torso is encased in a short red leather jacket. I have never been jealous of a jacket, but I might be right now.

Her hair falls loosely with slight waves framing her face. Her makeup is immaculate, eyes rimmed with kohl eyeliner, making them pop even more.

She smiles up at me, and I try to contain the need to kiss her perfectly pouty pink lips.

"Holy shit." I can't stop the muttered curse from falling. She is stunning.

I thrust the flowers towards her, the red and white roses complimenting her look.  But they still pale in comparison to her shine right now.

Her fingers graze mine as she takes the flowers, and I can't help but take a big gulp of air.

How can she look so gorgeous, so stunning? How can she make me want to worship her?

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