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(A/N:  Ali and Ashlyn are married)
Ash's POV
We are going to camp tomorrow and I'm packing right now. Ali is sitting on the couch in the living room. "Hey Ash?" I hear her call for me. I walk in seeing Ali with a worried expression on her face, looking down at something in her hands. She puts it in her pocket as I walk in. "What's wrong love?" "There's something I need to show you." I sit down "go ahead." "Promise not to freak out?" I nod. She reaches her hand in her pocket and hesitates for a second. She finally pulls the thing out a hands it to me. OMG. It's a pregnancy test, and it's positive! "Why are you so worried baby? I've always wanted kids!" "How do you think my family's gonna react?" "I think they're gonna be thrilled!" She just smiled. "Also how are gonna tell Jill?" Her face turning worried again. "Just call her. Tell her you can come to camp, but have to take it easy." She gets up and goes to our room. I stay put.
Ali's POV
I go to my room and call coach. "Hello Ali." "Hi Coach. So I'm just Calling to tell you that...this is most likely going to be my last camp for a while." "And why would that be?"  "Jill, I actually just found out that... I'm pregnant." "Congratulations Ali!" "Thanks!" "I'll let you go easy, and you're always welcome to visit when you can't play anymore." "Thank you so much! Bye." "Bye Ali. See you soon!" I walk back to Ashlyn. "That went well." I tell her. "Great! Now finish packing, our flight's first thing tomorrow." "Okay." I went off to pack, trying to figure out how we're going to tell the team.

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