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Kylie's POV
Today, I finally get to go back to USWNT camp with my parents. Luckily I'm on spring break, so I'm not missing any classes. We arrive at the hotel and walk straight into the meeting room. I run straight to Pinoe. "Looks like someone's excited to see me," she laughs. We mingle with the rest of the team for a little bit until Jill walks in and says she has an announcement. "We have a special camp this time. We will be having all f our retired players and their kids and spouses from the 2015 World Cup coming to practice with us," she says. I get really excited. I don't have to say goodbye to Roux! I get to spend camp with her. I glance over at my sister and see her face light up. I know she's excited to see Cassius. Then the door opens revealing some older players. Everyone shoots out of their seats and runs over to them. Christie and I just slowly get up and try to find the Dwyer kids. Once we see them, we both sprint into each other's arms. When I'm done with my long hug with my girlfriend, I hug Cassius, then Syd, the Dom. I look around and see my mom's talking to Heather O'Reilly. I slowly walk over. "Hey kiddo," mama says to me. "Hi mama." I talk with them and HAO for a little longer, before I head back to my sister. I see her talking to all the other kids who are here. She's definitely not as shy as I am. I walk over to the group and recognize everyone who is there. I see Christie, Cassius, Roux, Ryan and Luke Rodriguez, Jrue Holiday, Zoe Boxx, and Rylie and Reece Rampone. The only kid I don't see is Jeremiah McDonald. I'm pretty sure he stayed home and didn't want to be around too many girls. After I'm done figuring out who everyone is, I take a seat in between Roux and Christie. We all chat and exchange numbers until Jill starts speaking again. "So this time, the rooming situation will be a little different. We're gonna try to have one 2019 player rooming with one 2015 player and the kids will be rooming separate from their parents. They will be doing bonding while you are practicing, but they will be in charge of planning it. They'll have their own area of the hotel," she announces. Yes! I don't have to room with mom and mama this time! I also don't think she'll put me with my sister, so double yay!
Player Rooming List:
Ali and Heather
Morgan and Meghan
Kelley and Hope
Ashlyn and Whitney
Tobin and Amy
Alex and Sydney
Mal and Shannon
Rose and Lori
Abby D. and Abby W.
Crystal and Christie
Adrianna and Lauren
Jess and Christen
Sam and Becky
Lindsey and Carli
Emily and Alyssa
Tierna and Julie
Allie and Megan
Kids Rooming List:
Kylie and Roux
Christie and Cassius
Ryan and Rylie
Reece and Jrue
Zoe and Luke
Whoohoo! I get to room with Roux! I grab our key, grab her hand and run up the stairs because the elevator takes too long and everyone was already pilling in. We reach our room and she unlocks the door. We quickly walk inside and I close the door. I walk up to an excited Roux. "We're alone now," I say, pinning her against a wall. She smiles. "No adults, no siblings. Just me and you." We both slowly lean in and kiss passionately. I forgot how much I missed this. It's hard to get time alone when whenever we're together, our families are there too. The kiss starts to get heated, but I'm enjoying it too much to break the kiss. Instead our touches fight for dominance. We keep battling until our phones buzz. A text from Ryan, who established himself as bonding planner. He says to come to his room for a game. We groan and head out the door. We find their room and Roux knocks. An energetic Luke opens it and lets us in. Once everyone's here, we pick a game. We choose truth or dare dirty version. Uh oh. "I'll start!" Rylie basically yells. Don't pick me. Don't pick me. "Um... Kylie truth or dare?" I internally groan. "Truth." "Kiss the person in this room that you like the most," She says. I don't even have to think. I just lean over to Roux and softly kiss her.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 23, 2019 ⏰

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