High School

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*Time skip-the twins are now in high school. Sorry I'm moving so fast. Also I'm not paying attention to ages so the team's gonna be the same*
Kylie's POV
My first day of high school. Should I be nervous? "Ky, get you ass down here! We gotta go!" Christie yells from the kitchen. I walk downstairs, grab an apple and we begin our quick walk to Sydney's house. Our moms are at USWNT camp so Syd's driving us to school with Cassius who is now a junior and Roux who is just a few months older than Christie and I. They are basically my second family. It's a twenty minute walk so she offered to drive us to and back from school instead. We get in the car. "You girls excited?" Syd asks us. "Excited and nervous. I'm also waiting to see our new soccer coaches reaction to when he find out who our moms are and who's picking us up from practice. I remember when Coach Carlson almost passed out when you, mom, mama and Alex came to our game." I said. (A/N: Ali is mom and Ashlyn is mama) We pull up to the school. It's really big. We say bye to Syd and walk inside. We find our lockers and get stuff that we put in them over the summer for our classes. Christie and I walk to our first period class. Advanced math.
Christie's POV
I sit down next to Kylie and look through the group of kids walking in. I see Cassius walk in and sit down next to me. "Hey." He says to me. "Hey Cash." I blush. He is the most popular and hottest boy in the entire school. Everyone likes him, including me. I've had a crush on him since seventh grade. We started talking about how he thinks he is stupid and that's why he is in this class. I try to talk some sense into him, but it doesn't work. As I continue looking around, I see a Roux walk in and sit next to my sister. Kylie just blushes and they start talking and staring at each other. She likes her. The bad part about our crushes are that both of our parents know about them. They tease us a lot.
*Time skip-soccer practice*
A lot of our coaches expect a lot from us when it comes to soccer. Surprisingly our new coach-Coach Allen-just tells me to get my butt in the goal and Kylie and Roux's asses out on the field. He knows about our parents and just wants to meet them. When our scrimmage is over I only let in one goal. Sydney comes to greet our coach and he is in complete shock. She drops us off at my house and her kids come with us to hang out. I start teasing Kylie to make a move and she teases me right back. We all cuddle on the couch and talk. Somehow we end up talking about our crushes. When Roux asks me who I like I hesitate before Kylie says, "Come on Chris, we all know you like Cassius." "You like me?" He asks me. "Actually yes, I really like you Cash. Just like we all know about Kylie's giant crush on your sister." I tell him. Roux blushes and Kylie asks to talk to her in the other room. Probably to ask her out. "So..." I say once we're alone. "Christie... I really like you too. Do you want to maybe... go out tonight? Do you want to be my girlfriend Chris?" I just smile and blush. We both slowly start to lean in and softly kiss. "Does that answer your question?" "Yes it does. Now wanna go spy on our sisters?" "Hell yeah!"
Roux's POV
Kylie lead me into the other room. "So you really like me back?" I ask her dropping a hint that I like her too. "Back? So... we both like each other?" I just giggle and she smiles. I quickly lean in and capture her lips in mine. We pull apart and she rests her forehead on mine. "Ky, will you be my girlfriend and maybe go out tonight?" I ask her. "I'd love that." She answers and kisses me again. We pull apart to "aww"coming from our siblings. "I'm assuming you two hooked up as well?" My girlfriend says. They nod. "You guys wanna do a double date tonight?" My brother asks us. I shrug. "Sure. Sound fun. Cash we should go get ready. You girls just dress casual for dinner. We'll pick you guys up at 6." I say and we leave. Cash and I go change and glance at the clock. 5:30. I go to Cassius' door and pound on it. "COME IN!" He yells. "We have thirty minutes." I tell him. "Thirty minutes for what?" Mom asks walking into the room. "Oh yeah. Mom we're going out tonight." Cassius says. "Dates?" We nod. "With who?" "The Krieger-Harris Girls." I tell her. "FINALLY!"

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