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Ali's POV
Ashlyn is at camp and this one is not in Orlando so I really miss her. Today I have a doctors appointment, but I'm super excited because I get to find out the gender of my baby. I arrive at the doctors office and they call me in. "Hello Ali." "Hi Dr. Johnson." He shakes my hand and gets started. "Well, I'm very pleased to announce that your having a girl." "Really! Thank you so much!" "No problem Ali." "But wait, I have one more surprise." "And that is?" "Your having twin girls!" My eyes go wide. "Are you serious?" "Yes." "Oh, god."I leave, heading home to my puppy Logan. I'm greeted by barking and go to sit down. I pull out my phone and request to FaceTime with Ashlyn. She answer immediately.
Ash's POV
I'm telling everyone that today we find out the gender of the baby. My phone starts ringing and we all get really excited to see it's Ali calling. I step aside to answer it. "Hey babe!" She says excitingly. "Hey princess! So I really can't wait any longer to find out. Girl or boy?" "Well, I kinda have two surprises." "Okay, Well what's the first one?" "Ashlyn...we're having twins." My eyes widen. "OMG, your serious?" She nods. "Okay So now I really can't wait anymore. Girls, boys, or one of each?" "Both girls, like we wanted!" I squeal. "Well baby, I gotta go. The teams getting super impatient to find out." "Sounds like them." We laugh. "Okay, bye beautiful!" "Talk ta ya later princess!" I put my phone in my pocket and walk over to the rest of the team. ""Well what is it?!" Crystal yells. "Girls!" They all squeal. "Wait a minute, did you say girls, like plural?" Mal asks. I nod. "Twins!" They all say excitingly. "Yep! I can't wait!"

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