Chapter 11

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Chapter 11

The five were seated at the dining hall for supper, but had regained their gusto for food. Heath, who had never lost it, tucked into his pheasant stew and beef stew, simultaneously and hungrily. Brett and Jason were enjoying the lamb casserole, Lexi a Caesar salad and Asuka a green salad.

“Of all the juicy, scrumptious and achingly delicious food on this table, you pick the Caesar salad,” Heath mumbled through his food.

“I need to watch my figure, thank you very much,” Lexi said nonchalantly. She looked at his food with an upturned nose. “Do you know how easily that can fatten you up?”

He looked up at her and shrugged. “Excuse the pun but, I'm hot, so it don't make a difference to me anyway.”

Lexi scoffed, rolling her eyes, and continued with her salad. 

Brett glanced at Asuka. She lifted an eyebrow quizzically, and he lowered his glance to her plate.

“Oh, I'm vegetarian,” she said with an embarrassed smile. “I'm not 'watching my figure' or anything. Not that I don't care about shapely. Well, not that it's so important, I just mean-”

“I think he gets it,” Jason droned out, and ingested some of his food. “But maybe you need to repeat it for Slowy over here.”

Heath narrowed his eyes. “I have two bowls of stew in my arsenal. Do you really wanna test me?”

“What was that?” Jason chuckled. “You have stew in your arse-enal?”

“No fighting guys,” Brett said sternly. “The enemy's out there, not across the table.”

“Who made you the leader?” Jason asked suddenly.

Brett frowned. “I never said I was the leader, if we even need one.”

He scoffed. “You definitely act like it. But I sure as hell won't follow anyone, let alone you.”

“Hey, I just come up with the plans,” Brett said, holding his hands up in the air. “If that, and keeping you two in check makes me the leader, then so be it.”

“Jason,” Lexi said, “I'm the one who should be complaining… being a born leader and all that. But Brett's better at it, and we've found out a lot thanks to him.”

He laughed coldly. “Yeah, let's all be real thankful Brett got us the amazing opportunity of fighting a crazy, evil witch with her own personal army.”

“Sure, that's rough, but not Brett's fault,” Asuka said calmly. “Mr. Paul would have told us either way.”

“I hate to admit,” Heath said reluctantly, “but we're the same as you here, Jason. We're going through the same problem, but we're all in this together.”

“We may be stuck with the same curse,” Jason replied venomously, “but don't be mistaken. I'm nothing like you. Or any of you.”

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