Chapter 20

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Chapter 20

“Tactical thinking. Planning an action to best suit your situation.”

The five looked at Mr. Paul with equally intrigued looks as the man started pacing during his speech.

They had reached the final four days of their training, and only had one more aspect to learn. Fighting against Elaine was quite a taxing endeavor for all of them. But even though Asuka was the only one to give her a challenge, she had commended them on their excellent progress.

“Being tactical involves quick thinking,” Mr. Paul continued. “You have to be able to pick the best method of attack in the heat of the moment. For example, Heath, if I were to try and punch you, you would…?”

“I'd duck,” Heath said with a shrug, his voice portraying how clearly obvious the answer was.

“Exactly,” he replied, pointing at Heath. “A simple example, but you get the idea. Now, Lexi, if I threw a lightning bolt at you…”

“I would… try and stop it with a gust of wind?” Lexi said hesitantly.

“Okay.” He started pacing again. “Now, Heath and Lexi each mentioned a different type of approach – evasive action, and defensive action. In different situations, the attack might be too fast to evade, or too strong to defend. You all must be able to decide in that moment what to do. Brett and Jason, if you would go over there please.”

The two walked over to the place Mr. Paul had gestured to. “Now,” he continued, “you each have your powers, your weapons and your close combat skills. I want you to start sparring for a few moments.”

“How's that gonna-” Jason began, but was immediately swept up and dropped to the floor. He looked up and saw Brett bent low, his staff in hand.

“What the hell?!” Jason said incredulously.

“You don't know when you're going to get… Ah, what’s the word nowadays? Sucker-punched,” Mr. Paul called with a mischievous grin. “You always have to be on guard.”

Brett shrugged and held out his hand, a bright light forming around it. Jason brought a wave of water from the lake beside him and suspended it between himself and Brett, impeding the arc of searing light Brett had swung at him.

“See that?” Mr. Paul said during the fight. “Jason saw that there was not enough time to escape the attack, so he blocked it.”

Brett ran up to him, raising the staff in the air. Jason whipped out his double swords from his belt and crossed them the way Elaine had taught him to block himself as Brett swung his staff. A whirlpool of water suddenly flowed towards them and surrounded itself around Brett, lifting him out of reach of Jason. 

“Now he's given himself some time by moving Brett away.” 

Brett sheathed his staff behind him and crossed his arms, and then thrust them outward again. The familiar wave of light shot out, but now it was concentrated on Jason.

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