Chapter One

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Seokjin's POV:

My name is Kim Seokjin and I own a popular café known as The Sweetest Sip. I've officially owned this café 5 years ago and last year my crush had walked into my life. His beautiful brown eyes. His curly, dark brown, luscious locks. His small yet toned body. His curves oh my gosh... Oh yeah I'm gay. I've been out of the closet to my closest friends and family. My mom accepted some months ago and my friends accepted me since I came out. I mean they'd better, their not straight either. Yoongi is pansexual, Hoseok and Taehyung are gay, and Jungkook is bisexual.

Sadly, Hobi's parents are homophobic so we cut them off after they threw him out 3 years ago. I convinced my mom to allow him to stay with us for the time being. Even though at first she thought he was my boyfriend. Everything cleared up though and my life was pretty good. The only thing to make it great is to become that tanned beauty's boyfriend. Jungkook has his girlfriend, Yoongi is talking about going on dates with a guy named Park Jimin, Hobi and Tae like each other. Like what about me?

Anyways, today he cane in once again. Part of my daily routine I make his favorite. So far I'll I've got to call him by is K.NJ and I just wanna know what it stands for. Kim like me? Maybe.



Again he came in and my heart raced in my chest. He doesn't seem to happy, but I wouldn't be either if I limped to the front counter. I furrow my eyebrows, what happened to him? " Are you okay sir?" I ask as he sits in his usual seat, one away from the register. That means he isn't busy today I'm pretty sure. " I c-can't tell you..." I smile softly and grab his hand over the counter. " It's okay, I'm Kim Seokjin." I introduce myself. He looks at me with a small smile and his big puppy eyes. He's so cute my cheeks rise in temperature. "I-I'm Namjoon. Kim Namjoon." I smile wider. I knew it was Kim! "Same last name." He smiles and nods.

I hear someone clear their throat. I look over and see a couple of teenagers at the register. One of them was smiling while the other was sassily chewing her gum. "Um... sorry to interrupt sirs... but w-we're ready to order." I nod and let go of his hand. Blushing slightly and clearing my throat. He blushes furiously and pretends to dust himself off. "W-Well it was nice to meet you Namjoon. Come back tomorrow with a smile okay?" He smiles and nods while leaving with a small wave. "Bye Seokjin!" He disappears behind the door and I go back behind the register. "Hello ladies, welcome to The Sweetest Sip, may I take your order?"

And ever since that day, we've been getting closer and closer. And my heart just yearns for him more and more.

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