Chapter Three

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(A/N: Warning, almost rape and verbal abuse)

Namjoon's POV:
Every time he hits me reminds me how much he hates me. Every grope on my body reminds me how much of a slut he thinks I am. Every insult reminds me how he doesn't respect me. My self-esteem is so so low. His yelling, punching, groping, kicking, slapping-it all just has to stop. And it's gonna stop today.

Seokjin's POV:
I've been helping him out so he can break up with Taemin. But every chance we had to confront him, he chickened out. I've let him stay in the guest room for the past few months, and of course I don't mind. Their relationship, if you can even call it that, is beyond repair. I really hope he breaks up with him soon. I hate him coming home with bruises, whether it be old or new. I'm always gonna be there though, whenever he needs me. For as long as he lives.

This morning I cooked an American breakfast and we ate together at my table. I told some dad jokes this morning to start off the day. It's the best way because I am a funny. I decided to spark up a conversation. "So did chu sleep well? I think we should do some laundry to-"
"'s the day." He says. I stop talking. "I'm breaking up w-with him. I can't take it..." He continues. I smile and nod before we continue to eat. "Really though? Are you sure?" He nods. "Y-Yes I'm sure." He continues to eat and I couldn't help but notice the small blush hinting at his cheeks. I smiled to myself.
Namjoon's POV:
When we got to his house, I told him to stay inside. He argued but eventually he agreed to stay in the driver seat. My anxiety kicked in as I unlocked the door and stepped in. I only told him to stay so that he wouldn't get hurt, not because I wanted to go alone like I told him. For his safety I'll put mine in jeopardy, cause he's friend. The stench of alcohol and smoke hit my nose as I walked into what I used to call my home. "Why are you never home? Is it that pale cashier fuckboy you sleep with? Freaking slut I knew i-" He burps disgustingly loud. I join my hands together as they shake. "D-Don't call him that and no. We're not...doing it cause I'M loyal." I mutter, instantly regretting it as he stands up and faces me.

He walks over to me. "I-I'm breaking...b-breaking... umm" he grabs the front of my neck and pulls me towards his face. "I'm breaking up with y-you!" I say finally. He darkly chuckles before attaching his lips to my neck. "You really think because we aren't a couple that you're going to escape? Think again slut, you're not going anywhere." I gulped. Next thing I knew he pulled out a white cloth and held it to my nose, I black at soon after.

Seokjin's POV:
I was anxiously waiting outside. He left his phone so I couldn't even text him to make sure that he was still even breathing. It's been a little over 5 minutes, what's going on? I decided to just get out and go inside myself. I hope he's okay.

              (WARNING: HERE IT IS!!!)

The door was unlocked so I went in, hearing familiar whimpers coming from up the stairs. "Namjoon?" I call out loudly. "Jinnie! Hel-mmmff!" I hear. "Shut up bitch!" I hear the voice of the man I wish to strangle. I run into the room that holds the muffled whimpering.

Namjoon's POV:
Jin busted through the door right on time. He knocked me out with that cloth over my face and bent me over the bed. I woke up to us naked and he was getting ready to push in.

(A/N: Okay you're good)

I began screaming just in case Jinnie café in and  he did. I was sweating and cry because he was trying to take what I had left of our broken relationship. Since he was drunk Jin was able to fight him off and shoved him into the wall. He untied the ropes that were holding me down, dressed me, and carried me out of there. He turned on the car for ac since it was hot outside, but low so that my sweaty body wouldn't make me get sick. "I'm calling the police he's not gonna ge-" I shout no. "He just needs a therapist. He's bad b-but he should get help before immediately sentencing him to some prison..." I weakly argue. He sighs. "He just forced himself in you and has been mentally tearing you down for too long. I'm sorry, but I'm calling 911." I shake my head in denial. "He just-" "Joonie, please." I look down at his phone. "Okay, call them I guess." I sigh.

It's not that I don't want him to go to jail, no I kinda want him to be put somewhere so that nobody else has to be a victim. But what if he returns? What if he would want revenge? What if it's on me- or worse, Jinnie? My family? Jinnie's family? Our friends? The maximum amount of rape sentences is like...20 years since I didn't die. And then domestic abuse which is like 2-4 years... since we aren't married he'll have to pay $6,000 and do rehab or whatever. What if Jinnie and I get feelings for each other and get into a relationship that will last long and somehow have our own family? He could hurt them! Would he hurt them or just me? Would he take me away-THEM away? "Joon...Joonie!...Namjoon-ah!" Jin yells, forcing me out of my paranoiac trance.

He rubs his hand up and down my back, slowly calming me down as my hands began shaking. "Please don't overthink this. You might get a headache and worry more than you need to. So the police station receptionist made us an appointment next Tuesday. They want us to go and give them an alibi and our statements, also they wanna ask us some questions." I shook my head, I don't wanna go and relive an almost tragic memory. The mere thought brought tears to my eyes. He unbuckled himself and leaned over, pulling me into a hug. "I'm sorry Joon-bug. I wish they could just lock him up but that's not how the world works sadly. We do have to go though because we can't just let him get away." He says, he was convincing but that didn't change the fact that I don't wanna go.

"Can't y-you just p-protect me? Then we w-won't have to do the trials and lawyers. And it-it'll be easier. Can't we do that?" I basically beg. He pulls back and looks at me with a look of sympathy.

Aish. I hate the pity look.

"I know chu have anxiety, but please? We have to. I won't be there all the time to protect you, even if I wanted to. And trust me, I do. I'm sorry...Just... Let's just get it over with when it comes." I sigh and nod. Not missing the way my heart beats faster when he slightly squeezed my hand. He buckled up and drives us home-which is now our house yay!- holding my hand the whole time. I internally groan. Next Tuesday is 9 days from now...great...
Hey guys, it's author-nim! How are chu all my lil chibi's? I'm busy and so sorry it takes me forever, high school is kicking my dumb genius behind and I wanna kick it right back. Alright next chapter hopeful will be posted later this month


I purple chu ~💜🤞🏽

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